Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I get question from random public, what I'm wearing, where I got those from. So I decided to post some good looking combo in here.

Shirt, pants layer from Bare Rose *Gabriel
Jacket layer from Gaslight Emporium *Gentleman's evening suit

Hair , from Gurl6 *September (Unfortunately it was limited edition and currently unavailable to the public)

My regular skins lately is from Nomine *Latte, or Med dark tan, depends on the mood
shapes are original

Monday, January 28, 2008

Okay, I'm tired of SL

I would never thought this would happen. I. Bored and tired of SL.

i always had a things to do, things to explore, there always be a interesting person inspire me to do anything.

All my good friends either trying to drag me out of where I am hiding, or suggested me to take a break.

And in a way, I am.

keeping myself to myself. No public role. I used to love entertaining people in public with my conversation. Now i dont feel like it.

Maybe its time to sit down and really acquire a new skills, such as clothing design. As a matter of fact, I have an offer for tutoring how to do clothing design in SL.

So right now, I am just doing a lot of reading in RL and trying to find new inspirations.