Thursday, August 12, 2010

Music that I'm currently working on.

I really play a couple of instruments for real.
Here are examples of classical pieces I'm working on.

All kinds of Chopin. lol Yea Last semester, I only played Chopin's pieces the whole semester. People probably getting tired of it.  6 or 7 Waltz, all memorized. Yet, more Chopin.
During the summer, my instructor suggested that I should start working on advanced pieces.
So here are few of fairly advanced pieces.

Chopin- Scherzo #2  B flat minor
Bach Well-tempered Klavier book 2 Prelude No24 in B minor  (BWV893)
Liszt Liebestraume #3  (memorized and pretty much done)

I like this last prelude from Well-Tempered Klavier. Really catchy and happy, although it is written in minor key. Come to think of it,Tetris people could have used this prelude instead of Menuet from French Suite.

In my applied music class (performance study), there are few people who had performed game music pieces last semester. (i.e. Super Mario, Pokemon Final Fantasy... etc.) So, I'm sure, playing French suite could get some chuckles out of my classmates without offending my professor. LMAO  He is not really stickler about the genre of the piece, so, game music isn't the problem. But many students just play it without putting any thought or effort to preparing the piece. That's what it gets him.

The plan that I made at the end of last semester was totally different. LOL  However, I wasn't really motivated enough to learn Shostakovich  nor Beethoven Sonatas. I hope my applied music professor wasn't paying attention to the foot notes I added on my practice journal I turned in last semester.  Good thing, there are tons of classical music pieces out there for me to learn, so I should be all right, even if the plan has changed a bit. 

For Violin

Bach - Partita #2 Allemande
Fritz Kreisler - Schoen Rosmarin
Again, my crappy bow doesn't bounce, so I can't really play this piece. For this piece, definitely needing a better bow. My current violin is totally fine for playing this piece.
I know for a fact that better bow would help me tremendously both for the technical aspect of playing and a projection of the sound.  (Cha-ching! 700$)

Heh, this doesn't make me look like I"m depressed. I guess I'm not.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How the classical music should be...

So I talked about David Garrett yesterday. If you search his name on you tube, there are tons of MJ covers  which I really don't care for.
But here is what you should watch, if you want to check him out  He plays virtuoso piece by Pablo Sarasate. However, not in tux, and all of the audience are T-shirts and shorts. THIS is how the classical music should be. Forget the stupid protocol and dress code.

Zigeunerweisen is in style of gypsy music. You have to understand where this music coming from. It was solely for the enjoyment of his family and his extended clans who travel together all over Europe. Gypsies play anything you want to hear. It could be Sinatra, it could be Foster's Camptown races. It well could be Brahms.
After arriving at some strange town, somewhere in the middle of Europe, entertaining the townspeople all day, earning the pocket change and a scraps by playing tricks, and reading their fortune, coming back to the edge of that town. Families, young and old, gathered around a fire with the first modest meal after the weeks of wandering. 

... then the man with violin starts with three dramatic sustaining broken chord... watch the video for the rest.

Heh, I just realized he plays the *lassan-slow part of Gypsy music* very slowly, taking more than 6 minutes!. lolol Friska (fast part) breathtaking.   Funny, audience applauded in between the lassan and friska, which is usually a big no-no in classical music, and it usually never happens in anywhere. But here is what I think, and this is the reason for this entry's title. You should be able to express your joy and approval freely. Let the musician know we are loving his performance.
It is obvious, Garrett is also drawing energy from audience. Such basic  give and take of emotions rarely happens in formal settings of classical music concert. This is the moment when many of the musicians describe the experience  as "better than sex".  There is no other way to explain to other people.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Classical music hunks...

As you know, I already have a blog link to *Barihunk* sites, which specialize in Baritone opera singers coverage.  I love this site because they don't go into snobby concert critique. Their posts are solely based on pretty stage pictures!

I am not going to establish blog about classical music, because they are just part of me. So I decided to cover whatever I run into, when ever.

Erwin Schrott, who is among the favorites of Barihunk site, already had been covered in here as well. His performance in La Scala last year has been somewhat unfavorable among opera fans, but if they want fat ugly baritone, thats their thing. They need to grew out of that snobby mentality.

Here are my two favorites from Strings division.

David Garrett, violin (Germany) Ah.... yea. I didn't know he had tattoo... *fans self*.  The violin he is holding, isn't some cheap violin shaped object. That is REAL Stradivarius . He appeared in Banana Republic ad. He is doing some crossover stuff that I really could care less, but he can play. I totally understand, he couldn't make nearly anything, if he was in traditional classical circuit, so more power to him. His prettiness should be exploited while its hot. lol Hey, there were Franz Liszt back in 19th century. Why he shouldn't be?

Gautier Capuçon, Cello (France)
He is from France, very talented family. (his brother is also a virtuoso violinist)  I first encountered his performance through video performance with famous virtuosa pianist Martha Argerich. Their performance of Chopin's rarely performed Polonaise Op.3 gives me goosebumps still to this day.  Not to mention, his French accent on top of his cello. (I am pondering about buying a cello myself. lol)

There have been a lot of pretty female classical performers before, not to mention barrage of  beautiful opera divas, but some strange reason, male classical musicians always neglected their stage presentation. lol 
I can understand person like David Garrett don't see any future in traditional stage. He can reach broader audience if he is able to sell sex with his Strad.  Worn out sneaker and Strad? Why not?  I'm all for it, if it could attract more people to classical music. 

I feel nauseous and light headed... from textbook price......

I think I can justify making a rant on this particular subject.

It is just fucking outrageous. Can anyone explain that to me?

I had to shop around for over 8 outlets, both online and physical stores.

12 textbooks. About half of them used. 2 books are semester rental.  I paid for my English textbook only 3.79$ from used textbook store, which my college bookstore sells the same book for 52 $.
Grand total of 471$..........

Let's put that into perspective, shall we?
The grand total of tuitions and fees for this semester is 476 $ Of which, 442$ is for myself. My son's account only needs to be paid 34$ (He receives grants for tuitions.)

So, textbooks cost more than the education itself...
It doesn't include any of  my music lesson related costs, either. Many of the sheet music costs anywhere from 12$ up to 55$ average, (many are imported editions from Germany or other Euro country) so I'm no stranger to paying a lot of money for books. Even so...

At least, I can honestly say that my son nor myself would drop out or withdraw from any of the class. But I feel for the parents of those students who do drop out from classes for the reason of sheer laziness.

Speaking of my college...
I'm happy to announce that I will be officially a tutor for my college music department. It should pay for my coffee cost. lol  Yea. it's a paid position, and I get to have individual music lab. Hey, part-time adjunct faculty don't even have their own office, so I am not complaining.  Music lab has iMac and a piano. I can practice my piano if I'm not busy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jagerkin's blog talks about obnoxious ppl in SL

Is that his personal experience, too?

10 ways to become ostracized in SL

I have not posted anything lately, mostly due to my own lack of activity in SL. However, I just updated some of my profile entry just yesterday, and incidentally, Jagerkins also made his this blog entry two days ago. The similarity to the sentiment of my own on this subject matter is striking to say the least.

Some of the points, I have not experienced because mostly I avoid having a contact with such person with " 1. people with no tact  4.Continue to shouting for attention when busy " ... Not that I have not seen them. But I do not remain in contact with those type of person in general.

As for the rest of the points, I agree with 110% enthusiasm.

The really weird thing about SL reflecting in this list and my sentiments I have been repeating regarding SL relationship in general is that, I rarely (almost never) encounter these type of people in RL. EVER.

That should tell you/me something about the characteristic of SL demographic/populous.

For instance:
7. Become draining
Barrage someone with a problem. Every. Fucking. Day. Be it made up crap due to insecurities or a legit problem blown out of proportion, crying to someone about a “problem” every day can tear at a person’s patience. Blaming the person for everything is also a guaranteed way to cause someone to become homicidal.

You just don't burden others with complaints of your whole damn life. Especially, to your friend, whatever your description of friend might be. And they become appalled when we go ape shit when we can't take it anymore.

What I really think is this.  Those who bitch about their problems and blaming everything else but themselves to you, DOES NOT VALUE YOU and YOUR friendship. Period.

10. Have full entitlement for being on someone’s friend list
Put a lot of weight on your own importance in another’s SL just for being on their friend list. Even though you know nothing about the person who just accepted your friendship offer, expect to have rights to being let into their homes, having free stuff if they are a merchant, full map rights, building perms and so on. Expect their SL to revolve around you while you’re at it. Raise a stink if you aren’t given any of the above.

Not just on the friend list, but the entitlement on anything and everything.
What the fuck is wrong with those people?" I don't even know you. You can't even show your picture of yourself, nor what your occupation is, nor where you live. In short, I don't trust you, therefore, you do not deserve to assume anything from me. " (Jagerkin mention this in other part of this article.)
Is that so fucking hard to understand? Apparently, it is to those dumb asses.

Although the amusement comes after either: I made blog entry about the experience with one of those people, or tell them in plain language personally, they usually start blaming me for not loyal to "our friendship" that I never had with them.  Again, such a complete entitlement complex.

Monday, March 29, 2010

How they fall... (or fail...) (Chronicle pt 2)

whatever the insignificant drama went on in that group is nothing of naught. It usually involves with three word responses of poor RP scenes and a couple of officers who are AFK the whole scenes. (LOL yea. That also puzzled me A LOT. There is this one character who puts up *away* signs during every single group activity, claiming that RL is going on. Why even bother playing a game if it is such an important thing in rl? And her real life ALWAYS going on during the group activity. but whatever.)
I digress...

However, the mechanism of group operation failure makes a interesting read of an analysis to the virtual realm in general, and since many of those involved claim that there are real person with feelings behind, it also translates to their actual lives as well.

Each character stresses the importance of family and honor(wtf?) but they have no desire to actually contribute to the group operations.

Contributions, you ask?
Financial contribution, taking care of admin work, come up with sim operation planning to manage the sim, planning the events to enhance each member's rp experience, planning classes for actual RP skill improvement(ie: character development, hooks, rp scene etiquette etc. )

These are no brainer basics, yet as long as you run a group on LL land, it never do without them.
They stresses that each individual is an adult, yet no one seems to have enough disposable income to support their own leisure they value so much.

I always say that the real life comes first, but they are only using real life as an excuse to get out of SL responsibility or contribution, financial or otherwise.
If they have stable RL to have enough leisure time, you must have enough pocket change to take care of your own cost of playing the game. Isn't it true?
If you are scraping the last penny to keep your family fed, you shouldnt be playing online game.

There are couple of members who make themselves to be an accomplished professional.
So, I run another numbers. (Always. My forte. Numbers usually can't lie.)

The annual income of college graduate with 15-20year experience varies from 65,000$ up . Many should have achieved 6 figures by this time of their life.
As for high schools graduate with some college, they should have achieved at least around 50K mark.
Of course, each situation can have vast differences depends on health, family, even geographical locations. However, i'm drawing these two examples from what I gathered personally from that particular group.
These population should be able to afford to spend some small amount of money for their own leisure, including eating out, paying for their cost of online game.

Now, the sim operations usually cost anywhere from 300$ or 68K Linden and up.
If there are handful of people who falls into above population, it should be easily operated.
Many working adults I know, pays for eating out, coffee, nail salon, hair salon etc... Substituting one lunch and an afternoon latte, could save you 20$ easily.
it is not even sacrifice, because they don't even miss it.

Therefore the cost of sim could be easily shouldered among 5-10 people, shouldering anywhere from 20$-100$. (Case #1)

or operate commercial activity such as rent for land/shop, and cover the rest with member contribution. (case#2)

The last will be harder to achieve, but not impossible. Cover everything with commercial operation. (case#3)

Now, how you can contribute as individual.
Financial contribution, or actual operation. If you don't want to contribute financially, you can always contribute your time. Since many of the member of this group emphasize the importance of unity and honor. *rolls eyes*


I could go on, but its boring.

My point?

None of them cares enough to contribute. They are band of selfish bastards. They pretend to be the character of honor, but they come out when something was handed to you. They don't even have a decency to stay involved in a group meeting or activity. When it comes to contributions, they conveniently have private priority comes up.
The pledge to contribute is worthless are their title.

No one has the enough financial contribution to keep 300$ cost? And many of them are with college degrees ? yet, cannot seem to plan/run 300$ a month operation? oh wow. lol
Oh, yea.I totally understand it.

Because, at the end,
fake family and group is not so important for these selfish bastards. Fake friendship and fake honors never worth their 20$. Period. Am I right?
Otherwise, contribute to the place you so value worth foregoing one restaurant tab, or one shopping trip.
Guess not.

Talk of honor, loyalty... as long THEY don't have to do anything. That is the whole mentality of SL kindom that falls.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Since my objective is completed for now...

I should start posting homoiri chronicles.

First of all, I have to admit that Jemma Magic is my agent.
I am sure some of the smarter population in that group must have suspected the weird/perfect timing for her appearance and joining the clan, or her lack of apparent skills or contribution to the activity themselves, yet she seems to be in the right place and say the right things when the time is right. ... is all me, pulling the strings.

Think about it.

Check out her profile for one. There are only two person is mentioned have her exclusive "dedication* in her profile.
One is Jager as if he is her love of her life. If perfect strangers see that dedication, there are no question that Jemma and Jager are deeply involved. Jager seems to be allowing it to go on, is another sign that at least, he tolerates that sort of advertisement to the public.
(True or not, isn't the point. I'm trying to make a point.)
And the other one? Frederic. From the entry, she obsessed with him and her sheer hatred seeping from every word she dedicates to him. Yet, that is the only other person she provoke herself to have any emotion towards to. now she triumphantly exclaims "I have your attention!"
It is just like a kindergarten playground. The girl always try to beat you up, usually had a serious crush on you. Some girls can't grow out of that immature behavior pattern for the rest of her life.

Well, my point is.
Jemma Magic is putting out a great cover for my plans.
So thank you, Jemma. For all those "I'm harassed by freddy!" drama shit. That was a well put out show for anyone to believe that you and I are at dire odds. (LOL)
She is one of the greatest person in SL, who is the sweetest and kindest of heart of anyone I have ever met in my whole life. /me does kissy faces to provoke laughter and violent vomiting.

And someone can remember what I divined about homoiri?
Yea it came true, isn't it?
The sim is closed.
I don't care if you still have some necro group. I have a tons of groups which is running from 06. it doesn't mean I'm doing anything with it.

I don't have any time for myself to manipulate my own avatar to cause havoc in a place i don't care to be in, I have to have able body who has too much time on their hands to spend ALL DAY in an rp sim which has nothings going on in the first place.

Any experienced Rp er would have gone nuts in that sim, but thankfully, Jemma Magic doesn't seem to care. All she need was the place where she can make herself presentable. Preferably without speaking much.

You know, you remember your highschool years?

Some people never seem to get in trouble, or have wits enough to cause trouble? yes.
But that sort of person usually have misplaced loyalty to those who pay attention to them. This is no exception.

If you are curious, let me know.

I will tell you how to test Jemma's loyalty to the group she claims to hold and in exchange, holds the make believe honor title that are worth anything to anyone.

Yes. My bet is that, she is a liar like anyone I know. Only way she can outmaneuver me is to come clean by herself before I sent someone to rip her open in front of founders of that group.

Anyways. I have been AWOL from SL. So ponder that.
Like I said, everything is on my term.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lot of site hits lately. LOLOLOL

I have a lot of hits on my blog lately.

People just can't get enough of the story of stupidity, dumb asses and fake friendship gone wry...

I'm truly amazed with all those people who got nothing but hang up with the fake blog of fake personality in some make believe realm.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you would rather spend your brain activity on reading a real book for once. (LOLOL *me turns the page of Anna Karenina and gets the idea of story.) Don't you think it is better off doing something *lit---tle bit more* productive than believing some pixel character?

Does your mom know you are reading these crap? LOL

You know, you ever wondered about supermarket "My baby is an alien!" tabloid? And you sympathize the people who could not resist picking up and actually try to read it...

YES, you!


For those of you entertain yourself by knowing there are people actually taking my blog seriously, and being seriously offended and taking it personally, good for you. I'm glad to be of your service.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some dumb ass is baiting me with personal attacks

but I am not going to respond to it. LOL


1.Accusation themselves (whole bunch of imagined truth) are not that logical to begin with.
2.There are no facts to support her claim. (Because there are none. lol)
3.The person has no ability to engage in logical discussion/debate.
4.I have better things to do.
5. The whole thing is a grossly misguided attempt for personal attention, as any other.
6. I have better things to do.

By the way, have I ever said all those homoiri people did anything to harm me or did anything to slight me? No, I don't think so.

Just because you read something unflattering, doesn't mean there were disputes between those two parties. Such near sighted assumption hardly ever worth my time to spend in rebuttal.

Some discussion is worth engaging. This personal attack, isn't.

Bring something worth my time, Jemma, if you want my attention.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ditzy kolpophobic people like the group in SL below...

are nothing to do with sexual orientation.

They are just another phenomenon of ditzy American culture in decline.

I wonder one of the homoiri people who called hall monitor was actually Li-Lo. Because anyone with real brain and some common sense could ever care less about some pixel character's profile entry about virtual world's satire. (Aside from that person apparently lacks basic English comprehension skills. Errr... that is no surprise, since I have seen their so called... RP. LOL *gagsnorts*)

This FRIVOLOUS lawsuit over Etrade baby tv commercial totally reminded me of all typical ADD --*Adult Attention getting- Deficit* closet gays/gender confused/kolpophobic self proclaimed gender blind (HA!) pixels, who are supposed to be in Second life...

(Yea, it totally sucks that I have to explain my punchline, just because ppl either don't have sense of humor or lack some wits to figure it out by themselves. I'm sure some clinical ADD/ADHD people will scream at me or claiming defamation that I'm belittling ppl with ADHD, without reading the above paragraph correctly. People like Linden)


Either way, its sad, that only attention you think you are getting in fact, has nothing to do with you. *laughs

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fomoiri- Satire of Second Life BDSM RP

Make no mistake.

This is a satire entry towards Second Life which cannot seem to grasp the concept of First amendment. And the contents are NOT about gays in general real life.

Here is the thing about SL. You have a tool to disassociate yourself from the contents. In LL term, it is called *Self Governance tool*. It is basically, to stay away from what you don't like. The tools such as *mute* button, are there to help you utilize that functions.

But the least of them all, if you don't like me, DO NOT OPEN AND PERVE MY PROFILE.
Isn't that simple enough for you?

"I hate fred so let's read his profile! there, he is talking about me! Let's file AR ... "

It is called frivolous AR. And I will AR back at you.

Since there was no entry to point the reader to any particular person nor group, I'm surprised LL even sent me a Warning, but then again, there was a term like *gays* in it, and they can be coddling sensitive about such terms without really comprehending the contents as a whole.
(That is not new.)

So I asked for clarification about what or which or who I am supposed to be intolerant towards to, and who I am supposed to be defaming that inhibits their activity in SL. LMAO

Since I have not engaged directly towards anyone, nor any group in world, there should be no record of anything. LL should come to the conclusion that it was indeed a frivolous complaints.

Meanwhile, I was going to clean my profile and archive my profile picks anyways, so here it is.
All out. And my blog links are posted all over the place, so general public will know what the Fomoiri is about, from my editorial and my humorous satire.

Oh One More Thing.
LL has no jurisdiction over my personal blog. I can post SL conversation, I can name names, I can point the SL groups.

Anyone who has been familiar with my blog should known that there are few SL stupidity made an entry in my blog, and this group/sim will not be the first nor the last.
Many *anonymously * tried to threaten me with the case of libel and defamation, but in the court of law, you will have no chance against my blog contents. It only works inside Second Life, as such, becoming the butt of the joke themselves for their lack of grasp towards the definition of *Community*. lol

So here it is, my satire group picks for Fomoiri.
I rp'd there for about four hours once. They have no clue what the RP is about, so I left. Jager joined there, and harassing the whole sim ever since. He gives me a lot of reports and the list of blunders within the group.
They have trigger happy officers who can only seem to solve the drama by throwing the member that doesn't agree with him, and ban from the sim. If you are eliminating the good RPer who are willing to play an ass, you will end up with no one. And that is what is exactly happening with this sim.

They just bounced two tier contributing members not too long ago.
They can't seem to get rid of Jager, just because no one else is capable of doing the same job. On the other hand, they are also afraid of Jager because of their baseless fear that Jager is some sort of *hacker*... lol

I will publish the chronicle of Fomoiri shortly.

Anyway, enjoy the archive of my profile pick.
You will probably notice that glossary is generally satirical of SL BDSM, RP sim. Not just this particular sim.
I should add that Jemma Magic and Jager, both the member of Fomoiri, thought that these profile entry was funny as hell.


We are Fomoiri, fierce band of closet gays who cannot afford to out ourselves in our real life. We only comes here with our alts, and pretend to have RP, whilist we have no clue what the RP stands for.
*Disclaimer* The spokes person pictured above is not an attorney. He has better looking av than most of us, so we just stole his picture. Be warned, the reality of our avatars may vary. Some depiction of our avatars might offend some visitors. Visitor Discretion is Strongly Advised.

*Obligatory* :)

Definition of Dominant ~Person who lacks self esteem getting off of giving himself some make believe title of a Master.

Submissive~ Person who lacks personality. depending on their group dominant to help them jerk off. In fact,can't even attract their own sexual partner in RL/SL.

BDSM- Tie up others and engage in deviant sexual activity with pixel av. However Political correctness to save our sensibility is compulsory.
Gender blind- We put that there to fool ourselves. Females cause 100% of our drama.

RP- OOC avs pretend to be fake family. Therefore in any role play, we emotionally respond. It is not acceptable to offend our RL sensibility because every ugly pixels there is a emotional bitchy gays behind. We only ban- female- drama whores.
Medieval~We don't know what that means.

King and Queen- Characters who are desperate for other pathetic pixels to save their lack of self esteem. The titles are self proclaimed, as honorable and valuable as any other SL group title, such as *SLut of SL* or *VIP*.
We strive to keep political correctness so that we can alleviate the pain of severely lacking ideals. We do not use the term slaves, so we don't look like the simple brutes of Goreans. We are much more sophisticated. So just you know, we call them Jewels.

Fiana (Knights)---Another title to manipulate pixels with low self esteem, so they feel more important than they could be in RL. In truth, they are pixels working for this honorable title, (for free) and contributes to our abysmal traffic in exchange of place to hang out. This goes for all other lesser titles. Just don't tell them.

Title of Honor--- "We didn't sign up SL to be called MR, thank you. It is *Your Highness* to you, Thou tottering tardy-gaited ratsbane!"

Monday, February 15, 2010

Applause for Starz Channel

So I have been watching new TV series, "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" on Starz channel. I have not made any opinion over this series till the episode "The thing in The Pit" (Episode 104) for few reasons.

Of course, I was impressed with the amount of violence and blatant sexual content as any other audience which is a easy guess. The creators Sam Raimi and Robert Tapert has been one of the most radical creators on both silver screens and TV. It was just a matter of time that these two come up with something that push the limit of *norm of the time*. For that, they are the true artists.

So with all the bells and whistles, why I have not had any opinion about the series?
Because of the lacking portrayal of bisexuality up until the episode 103.
Well, there was a slight suggestion, such as kiss between two female characters however, it could have been perceived as the simple custom of the time, or simply, it could perceived as European influenced custom.

With all the sex scenes, including the suggestion of orgy, plenty of male full frontal nude scene(yay!-Any one can appreciate the fine specimens of human males. It is no brainer. ), the stable full of naked gladiators, I was wondering why there was not a scene/plot of homosexuality/pederasty. I was wondering why the creators stopped at the mere sex scenes or frontal nude, if it was their intention to push the envelope.

Well, wonder no more.
In the episode 104-The Thing in The Pit, achieved all of the above and then some. There was an unmistakable(not an suggestion) sex between two male characters. Of which, also could perceived as pederasty, since the younger character seems to be in early 20s or even in late teens .
There was a very graphic and violent depiction of underground fight scenes which included some gruesome ritual by the victor who skinned the face of the defeated.

And, frontal nude of amputee shemale. (!!!)
I mean...
I thought it was a female till I watched the same episode *on Demand* seeing the extra package she carried, and totally applauded the casting, producers and at the end, Starz channel for approving that sort of edgy depiction of the underground Roman culture ever in the history of TV. (Especially in US.)
They could have get away with a scene with just a two female slaves hang nude in the chains, but no.

Seriously, I could not recall anything like this.
Sex scenes cannot be any more graphic without becoming pornography. Violence is unapologetic.

I thought there must be a lot of criticism by whiny American audiences who cannot seem to know how to turn the TV off and let TV station babysit them, by censoring the contents. But Starz shut them all up by putting disclaimer before the episode starts.

In short, if you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen.

Hats off to Starz channel, and I expect bisexual orgies!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Here is my Profile by Jemma Magic

This is how others write my profile.

I'm a condescending jackass that should go back to sitting in my selfmade tower of lonliness on my throne because no one in the world is good enough, smart enough or beautiful enough to be my equal.
I have no respect for people that try to befriend me, they are a waste of my time. Anything I disagree with is stupid. Of course, I'd use bigger words, but no one would understand this if I did.

Pictures of myself
First life tab:

I fool myself and say RL and SL never meet

Jemma Magic used to be the guest of my sim and friend of Lord Diglett who is lurking around here time to time.

She claims to know me from very small time we spent at my sim. In fact, I really don't know the reason she so hate me, since we never really engaged in an activity together to cause passionate discussion or debate. We have nothing in common for the most part, other than we have mutual friend. That is about it.

Since she was a guest of my guest, I welcomed her as such. I allowed her to stop by or invite her friends whenever she liked.

I have been cordial and polite to her all the time I was speaking to her. Therefore, it somewhat mind boggled me when I was told that she claimed I was condescending towards her when no one is around.
The fact is that, I was rarely alone with her for any reason.

"I have no respect for people that try to befriend me, they are a waste of my time."

This quote according to her entry is the prime example of how much she doesn't know me.
Anyone who is trying to befriend another, usually have mutual *respect* and *common courtesy* between us when both party is trying to develop a friendship/relationship.
None of my friends ever skipped this process. Some are put on probation (meaning that I decide to observe the person without cutting them off) and some made an effort to better themselves when it come to SL relationship. My requirements are very simple to understand, and none should have any difficulty with it. If it was not what they were looking for, they have all the control not to engage with Frederic's character. I never stalk nor track anyone who doesn't like me.
Jemma Maigic, however, she assumed to claim my friendship without build that trust and friendship and assumed that she will be my friend on default because she is a friend of my friend.

That was a serious mistake on her part.

She pretended to be my friend, at the same time she spoke badly about me when she was with our mutual friend. I really could careless what she thinks of me, since she never confronted me about my own shortcomings or my faults.

There are lot of accusation of my faults from her. The bottom line? Was she ever trying to clarify what I meant? No. Never.
Was it really the fault of my character? I am not sure.

The last real conversation I had with her, was the time *I* confronted her and asked clarification of why she bitched about my character faults to our mutual friend, and not to me.

She basically blamed that she wasn't the one who said it. She blamed what was said was in fact, from Jager.
My answer to that? Jager can tell that to me, and if I am a boring person, Jager can leave my sim anytime he wanted. (Yes, one of my character faults according to her, was *boring person* LOL)

There was not even a single line she can quote me the actual *abusive conversation when Jager was not around* . Nor a single incident that I was impolite to her. On the other hand, person claiming to be my friend will never spoke bad about me in my absence.

Is she expecting me to allow her all the impoliteness, double talking behind my back before we establish our trust of our friendship, and accept her as my friend?
She needs to think about that first.

After that last confrontation, I have not spoken to her. She has no basis for developing further understandings of my character ever since. Yet, she titled her notecard as "Person who used to knew him (Frederic)". Hilarious.

My rebuttal.

Jemma Magic never made it to the status of my friend. She forfeited that chance all on her own.
Do not ever accuse me of being condescending towards people who try to befriend me. I am only condescending towards people who is unable to grasp the basic logic of *building trust and friendship/relationship* and trying to claim my trust without showing basic courtesy and honesty.

Friday, January 1, 2010

"The Picture of Dorian Gray"--Frederic 's Profile

Write my Profile Challenge

One of my favorite Faustian adaptation. (Is it a stretch to call that? I don't think so.)

The vast difference between Dorian Gray and Faustian legend, however, makes this story so intriguing; it is also the basis for argument that this story cannot be Faustian adaptation, that the main character is an antihero with a huge secret to hide.

All my life, I have been always attracted to the story with antihero. And Oscar Wilde himself has been my *antihero*, along with other artists, authors, philosophers with less than perfect social reputations.

Anyway, I was talking to a certain young lord, and he utters something like in the effect that it would be interesting to see what others would write his own profile.
Incidentally, I pondered the exact same thing the night before, while I was about to fall asleep.
(This sort of coincidence happens a lot around me.)

I know there are few of my friends who dedicate a pick for me in the past and present. Many more had a sentence or paragraph of me. Of course, they are assuringly flattering entries, but what we really wondered is the ones who might hate us.

We were discussing something that how others uses their own ignorance, naivete, or lack of perception to blame others, even insults them for being something they are not.
I got over all those, since there are more members of "I hate Fred in SL" than my friends, but the curious person that I am, I truly wonder what their logic, perception of my shortcomings are.

Are they really capable of seeing something I don't see in myself?
Are they really capable of analyzing my less than desirable character objectively?

You may write as many, and you may add more in the future. I am thinking about establishing group or community. (Details will be discussed in the near future.)

Here is a Challenge for you.

Write my profile for me.

Keep it to yourself for now. I have not decided on submission details.