Sunday, April 27, 2008

Where are my notches???

So I was talking to my official fan-girl Cally last night, while I was experiencing my infrequent but unusual case of manic insomnia, so I sit with her at my store.
This *manic insomnia* happens when i am inspired to create something or write something. (I have piles of such material in my hard disk. )

My favorite Relic furniture has been moody, and the pose ball position looked totally messed up, not to mention I couldnt be in sit position with first try.
After a few moments, we settled into this position. I am sure Cally enjoyed it quite immensely, probably more than I was...

The last night's subject of discussion was... at random as usual. However, Cally mentioned about some geeks sitting on the office, manipulating their alt to get laid in pixel world, something hit me like a Rosetta stone just fell down on me.

Cally : All to please the masses
Frederic Prevost: I am not sure any of the linden can fix linden...

Cally They are too busy playing the game and get laid.

Frederic Prevost: ok... thats just creepy
Cally To think you might have made out with Phil or Torleys alt at one point?

Frederic Prevost: mmhm

Cally : CREEPY!

Frederic Prevost: i'm trying to think back each of the notches
Cally: HAHA
Cally cracks up lol

Frederic Prevost: lol
Frederic Prevost: omg
Frederic Prevost panics

I was trying, oh- so- hard, to reel back every single sexual encounter I have ever had, but no avail. You really should keep your every and each encounter in blog or something with dates and the color of your partner's underwear ...

(You can't note the style of my undies, because I don't wear one.)


Oh i just saw this article.LOL He definitely needs makeover...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Desperate avatar do desperate thing...

7-8 alt account? Maybe 10?

yea, I know... Actually, this is not rare, apparently. I know at least handful that has been informed me of their several alts. They are likely abandoned as each circle of community collapses.

You just have to think why do they need so many alts.

I understand ppl has to have few alts for business purposes or different role for specific RPG, or sim function. However, when someone tells you he/she have ,say... three alts and then you run into 4th by total freak accidents... you really start to wonder about the consistency/stability of that person's character.

I have been stalked by alt of former friend, alt of friend's ex. I have been lie to about alt account by friend. I have been even tricked once by friend's alt. (Yes back in the day, when alt account was rare, and cost money... And you have never encountered ppl's alt.) After that experience, I have learned to figure it out very quickly, from speech patterns and so on. Even i don't have any reason to suspect, I do not trust new accounts as readily as I was at first.

You may think that ppl use alt for whatever the reason, but the fact is, hardly ever been undetectable to anyone. You just can't hide your alt. (Not to mention, so called friends give you away, more than you know... lol They don't have to tell me. All they have to say is "I really can't tell you. " and smile.)

The most funniest/creepiest alt use of them all?

Make your own alt your official fuck buddy, by putting them in the picks tab and make creepy poem or whatever they put when you are supposed to be in love in pixel world.
(I know two people who have done that. The main reason to advertise that they are not alone, possibly to get attention of certain friend/ex. )

I know it's creepy, but.


... desperate people do desperate things...

I don't know which one is desperate, pretending your own alt is your fuck buddy,
or make over some noob you picked up at welcome park, made them look just like your ex, with same boots, hair, outfit and all... definitely make some impression to the circle of friends... that you are nutcase.

(Look, I don't lie. LMAO)

Taking RL friend to adult toy store.

*Karin wearing her own blue skin. *Fred worships Mistress Karin.

Since pixel game is quite famous in Japan, few of my RL Japanese friend has signed up for the game. Their cultural differences about RL and virtual sphere, and not just the languages, is quite separated from RL, how they perceive things is also different.

The pixel world is mostly based on western/English speaking culture, many of my friend from native country needs help understanding the pixel culture.

They are usually by all means tech advanced. All are in graphic design /degital music field to start with one way or another, so they bring a lot even from the first day.

Today, one of RL mistress/Rubber fetishist extraordinaire, Miss karin visited me.
She singed up little less than two months ago, yet, she already made some of her own clothing, tweaked a skin to fit her own needs, made some avatar, etc etc.

Since she is familier with RL BDSM/Fetish scene, she was curious about how it is in pixel sphere. With some discussion, she is not much interested in pixel bdsm, however, she is delighted to find out about little scripted toys .

Bondage toys such as bondage crosses and beds, were ok. She expressed interest in bondage cuffs and collars with scripts, so we did some demonstrations.

She is delighted to know the bondage play can be really easy( not to mention the safety) and loved to see me hanging from the ceiling... lol err everyone does, so it seems.

Then, we found out she never been to xcite (C) store in world, so tp her into Eventide location.
Since I have not been there for over a year, it took me few moments to realize the place was made over totally. We went thru most of the area, and discussed merits of scripted toys and bodyparts... *laughs...
Then, also discussion went into the RPG and BDSm, and separation of fantasy and reality. It also stretched into the manners when you are in the public.

She seems to think that role playing outside the designated RPG sim is bad taste, and she would probably embarrassed to see them in public place such as shopping mall or unrelated events.
(Yes, we were talking about *lost Gorean Masters with silk wearing slaves*, rping in hair store.)
Of course we RP outside the area, so we can earn some giggles from by stander, but its quite intentional.

Miss Karin decided that many stuff are expensive, but think it over if she wants to purchase some of the toys.

We took picture of me massaging her foot on the demo poses. Miss Karin loved the snapshot and keep it as a treasure.

She is a well known rubber outfit designer among Rubber /bondage enthusiasts all over Japan and Europe. so I am hoping that she will learn more about pixel design and building, I expect that she can establish herself as an excellent and totally unique designer in world pretty fast, if she so wishes.
Her rubber outfit is colorful and funky and not even close to those dreadful cheap black rubbers at all. She had attended RL fetish events in Europe such as *Rubber ball*, and her interviews are published in European magazines as well.

Welcome to pixel world, Miss Karin

Friday, April 25, 2008

How to solve your pixel problem?


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Greatest spy of all time...

Fred in disguise. Guess what?
Hiding from psycho betches and stalker!!!
Uh huh.. mmhm Yes.

"My names is Bond, James Bond"
(*in bad impersonation of sean connery)

*da da, dudah, da da dah~
(plays theme music...)

DIVINA COMEDIA - Fredericus Prevostos

In this day and age,
Blog your words of stupidity,
without thinking straight.
Once its in the internet
Anyone can blog it and laugh.

Waka by Fred
(Waka is a form of Japanese poem , following 5-7-5-7-7 syllables.)
Wow. I have never done Haiku nor Waka in English.

Moral to the story is that, Internet is a public forum, you are responsible for the stuff you post. Once its there, you cannot take it back.
There is a public notice/warning in the US , mainly for teenager to *think before you post*.

Once you put your own picture or your clever chronicle of your day yourself, you can't claim that you are entitled to the privacy, because you are the one post it in the middle of virtual public, which is a lot bigger than your own little real life.

You think you are so clever, say or post anything.

You will be responsible for it.
You are accountable for your own action.

Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law.


What does this Blog's title column say?

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
This blog contains personal opinion of character who lives inside the virtual world called Second Life™.

It may contain adult materials/languages. Use with your own discretions. It may be hazardous to your mental health. MY FANTASY IS NOT YOUR REALITY. "Everyone wants the truth but hates me for giving it."
© 2006-2008 Frederic Prevost All rights reserved.

This is On Top of that Blogger's recently added blanket disclaimer functions to warn readers for Questionable contents such as this.

This calls Disclaimer, and you assumed the risk to read it.

Don't like it? Leave!

When have I ever claimed that I am godly righteous and heavenly compassionate ? NEVER!

My in-world profile reads *Lewd, Crude and Rude*

But the thing is, seems to me, that so many people come here, choose to read the truth, and not liking it, and forgetting that I am not the one that did something stupid. I am just telling it like it is.



"Next contestant, please!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You need to loosen up, toots!

Apparently, those Pixel stupidity does not discriminate lesbians.
Today, I will talk about Right wing radical republican lesbians.

I was tpd into lesbian club because Absy, Anya was already there. As soon as I rezzed next to Anya, My IM rings

"Frederic Are you male or female?"

No hello, no excuse me, no nothing.

I could come up with 200 responses but i had modem disconnection problem and had to reboot again.

She IMd me again.

Thats better. At least i got hello.
Then i got disconnected.

I came back because I wanted to say to this Ms. Grayskye wynter.

"Hello? Are you male or female? Are you married? How old Are you? I think you are rude to your guest."
"I have to make sure there is no un-escorted male is in here. Get over it."

*Click MUTE button. LOL

And with all ppl, lesbians are by far the most biased, sexist in SL. These kind of interaction never happen in gay club. And if regular club does that it would be unacceptable and reported abuse for intolerance, right?

For that matter, this avatar can be male, for all we know. LOL
You know 90% of lesbians are male in female avatar.

And I know all the 10% RL female lesbians.

As a matter of fact, lesbian club run by RL lesbian in SL never ask me such questions. They know what they are facing in RL. They just welcomed me and joked about all the blunders that Female avatar worn by male in SL.


This person is a staff of Rezzable. I guess they do not do any employee educations for sexism.

Don't worry, toots. I am not going to fuck you. You are not my type, but...

Fuck this, and shove it. All of my RL lesbian friend in SL will know about this place and it will be laughed at.
1. You are not my type.
2. I don't fuck sexually confused sexists boy who is pretending to be a girl in pixel world so they can get off in their room in the basement of their parents.

Bottom Line.
I am an adult who do not need anyone's fucking permission. Comprende?

At least, Stupidity does not discriminate lesbians.*snorts

Deleting blog entries ...

... DOES NOT help you to erase your stupidity.

I know this person for almost two years, and this person has to be the most psychotic of them all. Anyways, everytime her pixel realtionship fails, she goes to outside blog and blame other party. The reason is the same everytime. (I was abused in RL, I am on medication and having depression, I am lonely. I am poor... yet the guy had a nerve to cut my card...)

On and On.
And probably she is sending numerous e-mail to those unfortunate ppl , threatening to kill herself in RL, or sending e-mail that she just OD'd.
All the while, she is sending IM and e-mail every 5 minutes.

And she bitches in public blog that wonder why those ppl do not want to be her friend anymore...


No one cares about your RL.
As a matter of fact, its a real turn off to hear such thing from 50 year olds. (Yes, this is not a 15 year old girl.)

Anyways, person as such has numerous blog and social network site with blog attached to it. And every previous events are deleted.
I have seen her posting her RL hospital record in one blog. (I know, that is how crazy she is. fucking *Scanned ER record*...)

That one is surely gone along with comments by the *guy*. From what everyone could read, they actually met in RL. You know what the guy wants, right? But this 50 year old woman expected long term relationship and she was in love.
OMG come on, now.
She chronicled those by day. I am sure the other guy would feel that their so called relationship is not exclusive nor serious, since it was blogged in public and everyone to see.

then three days later. She posts vengeful blog with IM conversation and scanned copy of RL hospital record.

I think that events was the worst of her *woman scorned* chronicles in last two years that I have seen. Since it involves RL meeting and RL events. (The guy is stupid enough to meet her in RL...)

And she posts blogs that she has better things to do, not she wont do such thing. And everyone else who is not involved would see that she is also a habitual liar.
Yea, right. In between those fuck buddies dumping her, she periodically lose the whole group of friend. And even blaming LL for in game bug.( Yes, she filed bug triage for missing friend from friend list... This is one of the dumbest thing I have ever heard.)

It's not a bug that your friend is not on your friend list.
They deleted your card!

They dont want to be your friend.
No one likes inconsistent liars.

Oh I know all of that, too.

And now?

All those previous whining and desperate plead is all deleted.

You can't erase your stupidity.

*Oh btw, how many blogs does she have? several at least. So if the friendship in this blog gone bad, she can go to other forum. ... *rolls eyes

Disturbing fact is that this person works around children with disability...
I do not want unstable person such as this working around my perfectly healthy children without any developmental problems... I would be very worry about if I were a parent of such children.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Read this.

I know all about it.
Back in the day, I had to deal with new salesperson who has no clue about the regulation about our own company logo Policy, which required us to get a permission from advertisement dept, or basically we had to go through advertisement dept to order anything with our company logo on it. I had to correct diligently about how the company name was mentioned in every fucking correspondences we sent.

Therefore, it is no surprise for me.

However, asking everyone to put disclaimer or *proper reference* in personal blog is ridiculous to the point of comedic term. Any casual reference is usually covered under the fair use law, and mentioning their name would not earn me any income... *snorts.

I put that stupid *TM* mark in title, since it was there before they decided to change the TOS. But after this day, I could probably get away without mentioning their trademark.

Aside from that... the abbreviation SL usually means *Steamed Locomotive* in Japan even to this day. I don't think the abbreviation in Japanese language can not be trademarked. (I guess that is why *In SL* was used instead of just *SL*.Don't quote me on that.DOnt have any time to read it nor interested in figuring it out.)

I used to mention their name several times a day. After today, Probably it would be only once in a several month, if that.

Take that as a positive exposure. Stupid, IMO.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I don't babysit drunks in SL, because...

honestly put, it IS boring.
I usually am not fast enough to escape from SL, by pressing X button on top of the browser, however not before they went on about their *miserable RL* first.

Look, I am not trying to be an ass. So I rarely ignore IM, and I respond.

Usually, they start with mundane thing, but no reason to snap at them, therefore I just nod.
You think i can't tell you are drunk in IM? Think again. It is pretty obvious, sans the smell of alcohol, of course.

Then, they start to spill about their little heart content, usually ...

1.their miserable sex life in RL, or (I am not a sex counselor)

2.confused sexuality, or (I am not a GLBT community counselor)

3.divorce status...or (I am not a marriage counselor/divorce lawyer)

4.lack of relationship in RL, or (I am not a dating service)

5. all of the above, plus their insomnia or depression add to it...
(I am not a psychiatrist nor am I certainly Dr. Phil)

Have your RL and PLEASE, keep that to yourself.

I ask you ladies and gentlemen, Do I come across as *sympathetic, hand-holding best friend-in need, who always lend my shoulder to cry on* type?

I didn't think so.
I rest my case.

Benefit for *me*, fundraiser/auction... STFU

I do not participate in *Fund-raisers* *Donation for the benefit of whatever* *Charity auction*... in SL..?

I wasn't born yesterday.

The same dude I wrote about yesterday, asked me "You don't believe in charity?" with sneering tone, as if his righteousness is godly and me, some uneducated brute...(Well, un-educated part is true, but. ) I started to laugh.

"Au contraire, mon ami. I do... I just don't do hand outs to make myself feel better.

... And whilist I do not like to talk about my RL, i compelled to tell you that I volunteer weekly, and make monetary contributions to two local non profit organization annually. Of course, I check them out thoroughly, and check their operations as well.
I very much doubt, with few exceptions, that I can do the same in SL. There are no accountability of the people running the fund-raisers in SL. Even registered well known non-profit organizations such as American Red Cross, sometimes has wrong doings or misconduct by the administrator, and I know for a fact, that although the most are legitimate, there are some *personal bank accounts of the administrator* disguised as a NPO,as well."


I did a lot for Relay for Life in SL, last year. But mostly the donation of my worktime and my products. I donated money to Relay for Life online site and I have obtained tax deductible receipt.
Also gave few Lindens to the Virginia Tech memorial, because the SL fundraiser was run by VT professor. He was disclosing contacts and also it was Tax deductible.(It is a good indication of the fund raiser is legitimate. Because they have to report to IRS)

All others? I declined to participate. There is no way to check the person who is running the events and There is no way to check the bank accounts.
For that matter, they can donate 10$ to the real charity and pocket 500$ to themselves.

How would you know?
Same reason. I don't donate to the *so called help the homeless*, door to door. They are just the form of panhandling.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Educate yourself to make sure your money was really for the good use you are intended for them to.
It is irresponsible to neglect that *homework* and give out blindly, so you feel better about yourself for the day...

What have we learned about SL so far ?

1. There are freeloaders in SL.
2. There are liars in SL.
3.There are con artists in SL.

list goes on and on..

The moral of the story is,

You can't trust any anonymous pixelated av in SL.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

SL/RL relationship and *My feelings*

I always say SL is SL.
I met this girl in SL. She is really cool, honest(about her feelings n such) fun, and really good RPer with great sense of humor. Our innuendo and flirtation are very creative and very spicy. We clicked from the start. (I was playing subby inRP but she knows who I am, she liked the indubitably sub but indifinitely dominant character of mine.)

We talked, of course. I made sure she was not attached to anyone. She said my private time is mine. All right. I like mature adults who knows how to draw lines between SL/RL. Great.

I teased and enticed. Of course I did. The game was on.
For both of us.
I think she was playing me, too. Because she knows I can handle it.
When we log off from SL, we switch gear into our typist's real person. We have Google talk and talk about very mundane thing like weather. Nothing crosses into our RL.

We had fun in SL.
(For those of who doesnt know what Fred can do.. well... *laughs Let's just say we both had real good time. )

Few days later, she IM me said that she told her SLbf about our rendezvous... Okay.
Lot of questions came to my mind, but to me, it is a done deal. She asked me not to tell him what we *REALLY* did. (I guess she did not tell the whole story.)
She was playing game on her SL bf.

And the story gets really interesting and bizarre from there.

Her SL bf is 56 % dominant to her. And she wanted to come clean.
Her Sl bf is living somewhere in odd little country of Europe which only have lakes and forest, with his RL live in girlfriend, who happens to be only RL woman he knows.
(yea, I know. At this point I really dont want to know anything about him, but he went on.)
Of course, his live-in girlfriend doesnt know anything that they are on web cam/yahoo IM, SL, not just cybering but doing stuff on web cameras.

So after all of this, the dude IM me and start asking me if I had considered *His feelings*...

1. For what? I dont know what have your girl tell you, but I am not going to tell you about my private. No way, Jose. It is none of your fucking business.
2.*His feelings*? He got the nerve to play victim here.
Ask me the same question after he told his RL live in gf , about what you do in SL, Yahoo, and webcams. Yea , It is none of my fucking business , is it?
3.Quite honestly, I think she played you, too. She needs punishment, dont you think?

The bottom line is *We* had a good time. I recommend you do that, too.

This guy dont even know how to be a dominant. The way he talks ... beta written all over it.
I didnt say anything about what really happened, because I liked the girl. She can play me all she wants. I just hoped that she will get rid of that candy ass but obviously she liked that beta playing alpha in pixel world, so i let it off.

They can play D/s games when his girl friend is sleeping in the next room. *laughs But don't come to me whining "How about my feelings"...

You know there is funnies in this story, right?

He is 31 years old, working for some non profit organization to benefit women's rights in Africa, and he just got the Masters Degree in whatever the study he was pursuing.

I think SL has very high learning curve. Again and again, seemingly intelligent ppl who are by all means very capable in RL often could not handle the situation in SL. What is all the whining about SL?

Just click on the X button on top of your browser, I always say.

I know I am cold hearted bastard from hell. *laughs But I thought you knew that.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Top 5 Lies in SL

1. I have cancer (or MS or perkinson or any other *undisclosed* terminal/rare ailment or conditions that are untreatable.)
2. I am disabled.
3. I was abused in RL (as a child or in adulthood by boyfriend/husbands family member etc)
4. I have depression (Or any other mild mental disorder) and on medication.
5.I am poor and having difficulty paying my bills.

I have started to think SL is now prescribed as a part of their fucking treatment and therapy. Tell me I am wrong.
(I hope I dont have to explain the sarcasm... )

Lies or not, I do not fucking care what you do in RL. Why would I want to know your divorce mess in your RL?
You are talking to fucking pixel av.
Fine, you want to play fucking psycho chick, but I do not care to know your RL stories.

Having their own RL does not mean I want you to share that with me.
There are too many ppl who just assumed that i will give a fuck about their "unfortunate situations". Look, Why would I sympathize some pixelated character who are far from the reality? Separate your boring RL from your fabulous SL.

And those lies turns into the excuses for their consistency and indiscretions it gets worse. I have severed any contact just because hearing some stupid excuses such as "I can't find the job I like, therefore, I dont have any money to pay internet bills"(so if you are *my friend* any kind of support is appreciated...)
Oh MY FUCKING GOD! They got the nerve. Those ppl just basically asking me to pay for their RL bills because they are too lazy to get off their asses and get a job.

I have whole fucking lists of strange stories or behavior for the next blog, but for now, think about how many ppl you know fits the descriptions above.

Next time, I will write about RL/SL relationship double life inconsistency, and personality disorder.

Hey I don't see britney blaming paparazzi for...

...her not wearing panties!
You do stupid things over and over , day in and day out, you get caught.
It is hard to live that down for a long time.
The pictures of "Clubbing with gal pal without panties" are still all over the place.

Oh I know, she maybe in denial, but at least she has a publicist who are not stupid enough to go out there and say "Britney is a classy youngwoman who never forget to wear panties at home. It must be the stress of real life... "

Yea, hiring good publicist pays.

"I did not have sex with that woman."

~I've heard that before.
Is this a lie? or is this a denial?

Either way, the testimony was the greatest newspaper porn/soap opera of this century.

You know, those highschool 6 cheerleaders who beat up a girl? I bet that their parents and families are saying this, too.

"It is not true. She is an angel. " "My daughter is the sweetest girl."

Actually, serious denial by loved ones/families of murderers, rapists are often go out and publicly denies involvement of such serious crimes by their husbands, wives, sons and daughters etc etc.

Look at Scott Peterson's family.


I sympathize with those families. They must be heartbroken, if they are not in denial.

(But in SL? lol forget it. SL family is the most banal thing you can find.)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Shaving accident and ...?

I never thought of this.






I know...I never thought of this, either...

"You are FIRED!"

Friday, April 11, 2008

Stylish, tasteful and beautifully presented nude...

*This is based on a true story...

of Darkside incubus FOR SALE! reserved starting bid of ... hmmm... let's say 10L? I know this is hysterically hilarious and outrageously ridiculous, but I want to buy private sim for 2000 US$ and I don't have such money now nor ever be able to afford ... With my charismatic good looks and oozing sexuality and beauty, maybe some of you want to shed some RL hard earned money for my pixelated av's toon nude pic. I , of course know this never beats the real thing but at least, I don't have any acne bumps on my ass.

*Buy my pixelated nude pictures, you dumb fools! It is stylish, tasteful and beautifully presented.Because I said so.*

Place your bid.
Proceed will go to the funds for purchasing Darkside sim
2000$ (US) or more.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Why I wouldn't waste money on SL sim...


Some of you might have heard me saying I may acquire sim in SL... well, I am able to, however that would be very unlikely.

Here is why.

Because I would rather have 50000 $ in ten years, instead of whatever the price of sim in a server owned by LL... (You do not own shit in second life. This is a fact. LL own the servers and you are renting the 0 and 1's. )

If you have 1000 $ sitting in your checking account that you do not foresee any needs in near future, you would open retirement savings account or if you are already maxing out tax free savings account, open any *compound interest earning account*.

This *model savings plan* 's initial deposit will be 1000$ , same as setting up sim in SL
Monthly contribution will be 300$, same as the monthly tier for private sim.

*****I do not see myself playing SL in ten years, but some are already in here over 5 years, so we just assume that we will be here in ten years...

So, you spend your money on private island.

I, make a same amount of money into tax free retirement savings account.
The products I selected should earn average of 10% but just for the numbers sake, I will come up with 10%, 8% and 5% interest rates.

Initial 1000$ with yearly contribution of 3600$, at interest rate 10%
After 5 years = 31250.99 $
After 10 years=64160.54 $

Interest rate of 8 %
After 5 years =29221.11 $
After 10 years=57103.45 $

Interest rate of 5%
After 5 years =26478.30
After 10 years =48231.69

Do you see yourself earning that much money from your SL sim?
If you do, by all means, please.

I know that the most of you have well more than 25 years to invest, so I give you the figures after 20 and 25years on the same contribution amount. (It will likely that your income will grow and you may be able to contribute more, but to make the comparison easier, we just stick it to 1000$ initial deposit and 300$ monthly contribution for next 25 years.

Interest rates 5 %
After 20 years = 135163.96 $
After 25 182134.20 $

*I'm telling you, this is a very conservative figure for typical investment products.

Interest 8 %
After 20 =200443.35 $
After 25 =292648.09 $

Interest 10%
After 20 =263530.49
After 25 =410106.97


Second life is not an investment vehicle nor even business platform.
As you can see, even the conservative savings plan would get you that much wealth for the same amount of money.

If I want to invest *my money* to make more money... I will put it in RL, not my lame Second Life.

Now you know why I really don't give a shit about SL.

As I said before, if you are self sufficient in SL, good for you. Take the earnings out and invest. In RL.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Private Sim for 1000 US$ --why would pay for more?

Linden Lab will be reducing the price for the private island from current 1650 $ to 1000$!!!! Read it here.

Why would anyone pay for more?
Wait for few more weeks and you get islands for 1000 $.

For those of you starting to operate *lemonade stand* to buy a certain sim for 2000 us$, I predict that by the time you get enough money, others are buying class 5 brand new sims for 1000 $.


2000$ versus 1000$...

difficult choice, eh?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Insults backfired!

Don't you love it when those seemingly clever insults intended for me actually backfires?

*You know, I often have troubles understanding Linden Policies, but the fact they let someone like you be a Mentor really speaks to how poor Linden runs things.* ~ Darkside Roleplayer anonymous

Hey, Anonymous. You thought you are so clever.
I am actually worshipping your greatness.

Nigel is also SL mentor, last time I checked.

*crickets chirpin?
*pin droppin?

/me rolling off the chair laughing

I can just throw exactly the same insults back at ya.
Not because of Nigel, SL mentor nor LL policies, but because of your inability to even insult me without making dumb mistakes...

Ahhh, Please, PLEASE, just stop making me laugh.
I can see that you are not in the family, if you are you wont make such elementary mistakes...

Yo yo yo, its like dis.
Please do not add more stupid incident to give me more things to provide humour and sarcasm.
Now I am going to be obsessed about it.
Other people's stupidity is indeed, addictive.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

IF we woke up naked...

[2008/04/01 19:53] leyla Christensen: If we woke up togther naked, using only three words, what would you say to me? Pass this on and see how many responses you get! Have a lovely day :)
[2008/04/01 19:53] Frederic Prevost: you still there?
[2008/04/01 19:53] leyla Christensen: lmaoooo
[2008/04/01 19:53] Frederic Prevost: LMAOOOO
[2008/04/01 19:54] Frederic Prevost: high five
[2008/04/01 19:54] leyla Christensen: high fuckin 5
[2008/04/01 19:54] Frederic Prevost: see anyone beats my answer
[2008/04/01 19:54] leyla Christensen: i got it beat
[2008/04/01 19:54] leyla Christensen: [19:48] leyla Christensen: what the fuck
[2008/04/01 19:55] Frederic Prevost: LOL
[2008/04/01 19:55] leyla Christensen: [19:53] Noirran Marx: coffee now bitch
[2008/04/01 19:55] Frederic Prevost: I thought about this, too
[2008/04/01 19:55] Frederic Prevost: was that you?
[2008/04/01 19:55] leyla Christensen: LMAOOOOO!!!

[21:55] Ravenheart Armistice: want my answer?
[21:55] Frederic Prevost: mmhm
[21:55] Ravenheart Armistice: one more time
[21:56] Frederic Prevost: OMG


King's Fool Wanted! -damn, I'm smart AND beautiful

"*Dark side of my miserable third life* will be sold to any oblivious person who gladly waste their cash and do all the work for me, the beautiful , strong but totally cash strapped vampire!"

*blink, blink

Our reactions are just hysterical, thunderous laughs across the second life.

The owners are not smart enough / well off enough to operate on their own, but at least smart enough to sell it to some blind idiots who will pay and pay to do all the work for them.

"Hey, I don't want responsibility. I don't want to pay for it. Let them pay for it! "

Ah , yes.

Hostile takeover in making.

One of the member expressing the interest is like.. 22 year old? Gage whoever. Oh, he has pretty av, alright, if thats one of the requirement to manage a sim. But he can barely Rp and spell anything. He can be easily antagonized. If he buys the sim, I predict that his ego take over and won't last a month. As it is right now, he can't even manage a little role he has in sim, let alone the managing the whole sim and rp operation, working with other managers? I totally doubt it.
This choice proves it again,that how the owners don't know anything about rp nor management of the sim, if they let him buy it.

Another, quirky little fae. She is funny enough. But I do not know her RL ability to manage anything. Dazzle with Fae magic doesn't work for LL.
Let's just say she enjoys playing subby to the college student who plays left wing radical vampire.
Therefore, if she gets hold of the sim, by default, he will own part of it. ( I like this kid, so I'm kinda hoping for it. )
He is clever enough to carry out the takeover if the opportunity knocks.

This is the cold reality of second life.
No one among the little vampires really can afford in their RL nor prepare to pay couple of thousand $ for a virtual kingdom in the vast Empire of LL. They have priorities, too. And the little playground mismanaged so badly does not qualified for a great investment, when you have real family when you are not playing vampire.

Sad, ain't it?

We are family and we are strong.

(Yea, sure. Whatever you say, kingship. As long as you pay for your shit. Cause I ain't.)

Shall we look at another cold reality?

If you ever afford to do that, the first thing you would do is pay 100$ to LL, and change the sim name to *My Goddamn kingdom and I have trademark so I will sue you.*
And bulldoze the buildings on it.

(By the way, getting an international trademark would set you off about 12K Euro, if you want to get it registered with all the country who signed for Madrid Protocol. So just you know. Registering in your own country would cost vary: US is about 500$. Misc fees not included. However, there are so many ppl from different countries in SL, so ... yea, that wouldnt be effective at all.)

They have the nerve, if they make others pay for their sim and try to keep control over it without shouldering any payments. Basically, I dont want to pay nor want the responsibility of management, but you, idiots pay and pay to work for me.

Any takers? (And brand yourself "King's fool"?)

And if that happens I will sure to report it here.
Because such person deserved to be known.

I would buy it. I doubt that the owners would sell it to me, tho.

The perfect timing. They should realized long time ago that they are incapable of running a sim.

"Hey, Tell Fred to buy it, so we can have Vampire wars!" --Willow Raven

That would be funny, aint it.
I might even keep the dark side name just for the hell of it. So I can antagonize all those little emo creatures in Transylvania.