I always say SL is SL.
I met this girl in SL. She is really cool, honest(about her feelings n such) fun, and really good RPer with great sense of humor. Our innuendo and flirtation are very creative and very spicy. We clicked from the start. (I was playing subby inRP but she knows who I am, she liked the indubitably sub but indifinitely dominant character of mine.)
We talked, of course. I made sure she was not attached to anyone. She said my private time is mine. All right. I like mature adults who knows how to draw lines between SL/RL. Great.
I teased and enticed. Of course I did. The game was on.
For both of us.
I think she was playing me, too. Because she knows I can handle it.
When we log off from SL, we switch gear into our typist's real person. We have Google talk and talk about very mundane thing like weather. Nothing crosses into our RL.
We had fun in SL.
(For those of who doesnt know what Fred can do.. well... *laughs Let's just say we both had real good time. )
Few days later, she IM me said that she told her SLbf about our rendezvous... Okay.
Lot of questions came to my mind, but to me, it is a done deal. She asked me not to tell him what we *REALLY* did. (I guess she did not tell the whole story.)
She was playing game on her SL bf.
And the story gets really interesting and bizarre from there.
Her SL bf is 56 % dominant to her. And she wanted to come clean.
Her Sl bf is living somewhere in odd little country of Europe which only have lakes and forest, with his RL live in girlfriend, who happens to be only RL woman he knows.
(yea, I know. At this point I really dont want to know anything about him, but he went on.)
Of course, his live-in girlfriend doesnt know anything that they are on web cam/yahoo IM, SL, not just cybering but doing stuff on web cameras.
So after all of this, the dude IM me and start asking me if I had considered *His feelings*...
1. For what? I dont know what have your girl tell you, but I am not going to tell you about my private. No way, Jose. It is none of your fucking business.
2.*His feelings*? He got the nerve to play victim here.
Ask me the same question after he told his RL live in gf , about what you do in SL, Yahoo, and webcams. Yea , It is none of my fucking business , is it?
3.Quite honestly, I think she played you, too. She needs punishment, dont you think?
The bottom line is *We* had a good time. I recommend you do that, too.
This guy dont even know how to be a dominant. The way he talks ... beta written all over it.
I didnt say anything about what really happened, because I liked the girl. She can play me all she wants. I just hoped that she will get rid of that candy ass but obviously she liked that beta playing alpha in pixel world, so i let it off.
They can play D/s games when his girl friend is sleeping in the next room. *laughs But don't come to me whining "How about my feelings"...
You know there is funnies in this story, right?
He is 31 years old, working for some non profit organization to benefit women's rights in Africa, and he just got the Masters Degree in whatever the study he was pursuing.
I think SL has very high learning curve. Again and again, seemingly intelligent ppl who are by all means very capable in RL often could not handle the situation in SL. What is all the whining about SL?
Just click on the X button on top of your browser, I always say.
I know I am cold hearted bastard from hell. *laughs But I thought you knew that.
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