Sunday, April 27, 2008

Where are my notches???

So I was talking to my official fan-girl Cally last night, while I was experiencing my infrequent but unusual case of manic insomnia, so I sit with her at my store.
This *manic insomnia* happens when i am inspired to create something or write something. (I have piles of such material in my hard disk. )

My favorite Relic furniture has been moody, and the pose ball position looked totally messed up, not to mention I couldnt be in sit position with first try.
After a few moments, we settled into this position. I am sure Cally enjoyed it quite immensely, probably more than I was...

The last night's subject of discussion was... at random as usual. However, Cally mentioned about some geeks sitting on the office, manipulating their alt to get laid in pixel world, something hit me like a Rosetta stone just fell down on me.

Cally : All to please the masses
Frederic Prevost: I am not sure any of the linden can fix linden...

Cally They are too busy playing the game and get laid.

Frederic Prevost: ok... thats just creepy
Cally To think you might have made out with Phil or Torleys alt at one point?

Frederic Prevost: mmhm

Cally : CREEPY!

Frederic Prevost: i'm trying to think back each of the notches
Cally: HAHA
Cally cracks up lol

Frederic Prevost: lol
Frederic Prevost: omg
Frederic Prevost panics

I was trying, oh- so- hard, to reel back every single sexual encounter I have ever had, but no avail. You really should keep your every and each encounter in blog or something with dates and the color of your partner's underwear ...

(You can't note the style of my undies, because I don't wear one.)


Oh i just saw this article.LOL He definitely needs makeover...


  1. Wow Fred that was nice of you to teach her how to drive a stick. Is that 2nd or 3rd gear she has you in?

    *giggles* XD

    *isn't worried about the Lindens as she has only one notch

  2. Cally Kiama: Better let your package go for a while... it's rigid enough to burst your seams.

    Frederic Prevost: ..........

    Frederic Prevost: I dont know why they want happy place?

    Frederic Prevost: Sl needs to invento happy morning fuck.

    Cally Kiama: Signed!

    This was the convo preceeding the one above, so... It is definitely on 3rd.

    *laughs heartily

  3. Cally knows how to ride anything fast.
    I know she got in traffic altercation because some idiot hit her motorcycle with his car.
    She dragged out the driver from his car and gave him a hard smack with her motorcycle helmet.

    Don't make her angry, she is far too wicked than I am.

  4. Us europeans know all about manual transmission. We fucking invented the automobile you know. Aaaand the motorcycle. :D

  5. I can make 17 emission standard jokes right now...


  6. n-n-n-n-n-n--nnnnnnoottchhhh!!!
    love ya

  7. *been caught red haded!


    loves ya, too.
    *hugs n licks
