Monday, March 29, 2010

How they fall... (or fail...) (Chronicle pt 2)

whatever the insignificant drama went on in that group is nothing of naught. It usually involves with three word responses of poor RP scenes and a couple of officers who are AFK the whole scenes. (LOL yea. That also puzzled me A LOT. There is this one character who puts up *away* signs during every single group activity, claiming that RL is going on. Why even bother playing a game if it is such an important thing in rl? And her real life ALWAYS going on during the group activity. but whatever.)
I digress...

However, the mechanism of group operation failure makes a interesting read of an analysis to the virtual realm in general, and since many of those involved claim that there are real person with feelings behind, it also translates to their actual lives as well.

Each character stresses the importance of family and honor(wtf?) but they have no desire to actually contribute to the group operations.

Contributions, you ask?
Financial contribution, taking care of admin work, come up with sim operation planning to manage the sim, planning the events to enhance each member's rp experience, planning classes for actual RP skill improvement(ie: character development, hooks, rp scene etiquette etc. )

These are no brainer basics, yet as long as you run a group on LL land, it never do without them.
They stresses that each individual is an adult, yet no one seems to have enough disposable income to support their own leisure they value so much.

I always say that the real life comes first, but they are only using real life as an excuse to get out of SL responsibility or contribution, financial or otherwise.
If they have stable RL to have enough leisure time, you must have enough pocket change to take care of your own cost of playing the game. Isn't it true?
If you are scraping the last penny to keep your family fed, you shouldnt be playing online game.

There are couple of members who make themselves to be an accomplished professional.
So, I run another numbers. (Always. My forte. Numbers usually can't lie.)

The annual income of college graduate with 15-20year experience varies from 65,000$ up . Many should have achieved 6 figures by this time of their life.
As for high schools graduate with some college, they should have achieved at least around 50K mark.
Of course, each situation can have vast differences depends on health, family, even geographical locations. However, i'm drawing these two examples from what I gathered personally from that particular group.
These population should be able to afford to spend some small amount of money for their own leisure, including eating out, paying for their cost of online game.

Now, the sim operations usually cost anywhere from 300$ or 68K Linden and up.
If there are handful of people who falls into above population, it should be easily operated.
Many working adults I know, pays for eating out, coffee, nail salon, hair salon etc... Substituting one lunch and an afternoon latte, could save you 20$ easily.
it is not even sacrifice, because they don't even miss it.

Therefore the cost of sim could be easily shouldered among 5-10 people, shouldering anywhere from 20$-100$. (Case #1)

or operate commercial activity such as rent for land/shop, and cover the rest with member contribution. (case#2)

The last will be harder to achieve, but not impossible. Cover everything with commercial operation. (case#3)

Now, how you can contribute as individual.
Financial contribution, or actual operation. If you don't want to contribute financially, you can always contribute your time. Since many of the member of this group emphasize the importance of unity and honor. *rolls eyes*


I could go on, but its boring.

My point?

None of them cares enough to contribute. They are band of selfish bastards. They pretend to be the character of honor, but they come out when something was handed to you. They don't even have a decency to stay involved in a group meeting or activity. When it comes to contributions, they conveniently have private priority comes up.
The pledge to contribute is worthless are their title.

No one has the enough financial contribution to keep 300$ cost? And many of them are with college degrees ? yet, cannot seem to plan/run 300$ a month operation? oh wow. lol
Oh, yea.I totally understand it.

Because, at the end,
fake family and group is not so important for these selfish bastards. Fake friendship and fake honors never worth their 20$. Period. Am I right?
Otherwise, contribute to the place you so value worth foregoing one restaurant tab, or one shopping trip.
Guess not.

Talk of honor, loyalty... as long THEY don't have to do anything. That is the whole mentality of SL kindom that falls.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Since my objective is completed for now...

I should start posting homoiri chronicles.

First of all, I have to admit that Jemma Magic is my agent.
I am sure some of the smarter population in that group must have suspected the weird/perfect timing for her appearance and joining the clan, or her lack of apparent skills or contribution to the activity themselves, yet she seems to be in the right place and say the right things when the time is right. ... is all me, pulling the strings.

Think about it.

Check out her profile for one. There are only two person is mentioned have her exclusive "dedication* in her profile.
One is Jager as if he is her love of her life. If perfect strangers see that dedication, there are no question that Jemma and Jager are deeply involved. Jager seems to be allowing it to go on, is another sign that at least, he tolerates that sort of advertisement to the public.
(True or not, isn't the point. I'm trying to make a point.)
And the other one? Frederic. From the entry, she obsessed with him and her sheer hatred seeping from every word she dedicates to him. Yet, that is the only other person she provoke herself to have any emotion towards to. now she triumphantly exclaims "I have your attention!"
It is just like a kindergarten playground. The girl always try to beat you up, usually had a serious crush on you. Some girls can't grow out of that immature behavior pattern for the rest of her life.

Well, my point is.
Jemma Magic is putting out a great cover for my plans.
So thank you, Jemma. For all those "I'm harassed by freddy!" drama shit. That was a well put out show for anyone to believe that you and I are at dire odds. (LOL)
She is one of the greatest person in SL, who is the sweetest and kindest of heart of anyone I have ever met in my whole life. /me does kissy faces to provoke laughter and violent vomiting.

And someone can remember what I divined about homoiri?
Yea it came true, isn't it?
The sim is closed.
I don't care if you still have some necro group. I have a tons of groups which is running from 06. it doesn't mean I'm doing anything with it.

I don't have any time for myself to manipulate my own avatar to cause havoc in a place i don't care to be in, I have to have able body who has too much time on their hands to spend ALL DAY in an rp sim which has nothings going on in the first place.

Any experienced Rp er would have gone nuts in that sim, but thankfully, Jemma Magic doesn't seem to care. All she need was the place where she can make herself presentable. Preferably without speaking much.

You know, you remember your highschool years?

Some people never seem to get in trouble, or have wits enough to cause trouble? yes.
But that sort of person usually have misplaced loyalty to those who pay attention to them. This is no exception.

If you are curious, let me know.

I will tell you how to test Jemma's loyalty to the group she claims to hold and in exchange, holds the make believe honor title that are worth anything to anyone.

Yes. My bet is that, she is a liar like anyone I know. Only way she can outmaneuver me is to come clean by herself before I sent someone to rip her open in front of founders of that group.

Anyways. I have been AWOL from SL. So ponder that.
Like I said, everything is on my term.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lot of site hits lately. LOLOLOL

I have a lot of hits on my blog lately.

People just can't get enough of the story of stupidity, dumb asses and fake friendship gone wry...

I'm truly amazed with all those people who got nothing but hang up with the fake blog of fake personality in some make believe realm.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you would rather spend your brain activity on reading a real book for once. (LOLOL *me turns the page of Anna Karenina and gets the idea of story.) Don't you think it is better off doing something *lit---tle bit more* productive than believing some pixel character?

Does your mom know you are reading these crap? LOL

You know, you ever wondered about supermarket "My baby is an alien!" tabloid? And you sympathize the people who could not resist picking up and actually try to read it...

YES, you!


For those of you entertain yourself by knowing there are people actually taking my blog seriously, and being seriously offended and taking it personally, good for you. I'm glad to be of your service.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some dumb ass is baiting me with personal attacks

but I am not going to respond to it. LOL


1.Accusation themselves (whole bunch of imagined truth) are not that logical to begin with.
2.There are no facts to support her claim. (Because there are none. lol)
3.The person has no ability to engage in logical discussion/debate.
4.I have better things to do.
5. The whole thing is a grossly misguided attempt for personal attention, as any other.
6. I have better things to do.

By the way, have I ever said all those homoiri people did anything to harm me or did anything to slight me? No, I don't think so.

Just because you read something unflattering, doesn't mean there were disputes between those two parties. Such near sighted assumption hardly ever worth my time to spend in rebuttal.

Some discussion is worth engaging. This personal attack, isn't.

Bring something worth my time, Jemma, if you want my attention.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ditzy kolpophobic people like the group in SL below...

are nothing to do with sexual orientation.

They are just another phenomenon of ditzy American culture in decline.

I wonder one of the homoiri people who called hall monitor was actually Li-Lo. Because anyone with real brain and some common sense could ever care less about some pixel character's profile entry about virtual world's satire. (Aside from that person apparently lacks basic English comprehension skills. Errr... that is no surprise, since I have seen their so called... RP. LOL *gagsnorts*)

This FRIVOLOUS lawsuit over Etrade baby tv commercial totally reminded me of all typical ADD --*Adult Attention getting- Deficit* closet gays/gender confused/kolpophobic self proclaimed gender blind (HA!) pixels, who are supposed to be in Second life...

(Yea, it totally sucks that I have to explain my punchline, just because ppl either don't have sense of humor or lack some wits to figure it out by themselves. I'm sure some clinical ADD/ADHD people will scream at me or claiming defamation that I'm belittling ppl with ADHD, without reading the above paragraph correctly. People like Linden)


Either way, its sad, that only attention you think you are getting in fact, has nothing to do with you. *laughs