First of all, I have to admit that Jemma Magic is my agent.
I am sure some of the smarter population in that group must have suspected the weird/perfect timing for her appearance and joining the clan, or her lack of apparent skills or contribution to the activity themselves, yet she seems to be in the right place and say the right things when the time is right. ... is all me, pulling the strings.
Think about it.
Check out her profile for one. There are only two person is mentioned have her exclusive "dedication* in her profile.
One is Jager as if he is her love of her life. If perfect strangers see that dedication, there are no question that Jemma and Jager are deeply involved. Jager seems to be allowing it to go on, is another sign that at least, he tolerates that sort of advertisement to the public.
(True or not, isn't the point. I'm trying to make a point.)
And the other one? Frederic. From the entry, she obsessed with him and her sheer hatred seeping from every word she dedicates to him. Yet, that is the only other person she provoke herself to have any emotion towards to. now she triumphantly exclaims "I have your attention!"
It is just like a kindergarten playground. The girl always try to beat you up, usually had a serious crush on you. Some girls can't grow out of that immature behavior pattern for the rest of her life.
Well, my point is.
Jemma Magic is putting out a great cover for my plans.
So thank you, Jemma. For all those "I'm harassed by freddy!" drama shit. That was a well put out show for anyone to believe that you and I are at dire odds. (LOL)
She is one of the greatest person in SL, who is the sweetest and kindest of heart of anyone I have ever met in my whole life. /me does kissy faces to provoke laughter and violent vomiting.
And someone can remember what I divined about homoiri?
Yea it came true, isn't it?
The sim is closed.
I don't care if you still have some necro group. I have a tons of groups which is running from 06. it doesn't mean I'm doing anything with it.
I don't have any time for myself to manipulate my own avatar to cause havoc in a place i don't care to be in, I have to have able body who has too much time on their hands to spend ALL DAY in an rp sim which has nothings going on in the first place.
Any experienced Rp er would have gone nuts in that sim, but thankfully, Jemma Magic doesn't seem to care. All she need was the place where she can make herself presentable. Preferably without speaking much.
You know, you remember your highschool years?
Some people never seem to get in trouble, or have wits enough to cause trouble? yes.
But that sort of person usually have misplaced loyalty to those who pay attention to them. This is no exception.
If you are curious, let me know.
I will tell you how to test Jemma's loyalty to the group she claims to hold and in exchange, holds the make believe honor title that are worth anything to anyone.
Yes. My bet is that, she is a liar like anyone I know. Only way she can outmaneuver me is to come clean by herself before I sent someone to rip her open in front of founders of that group.
Anyways. I have been AWOL from SL. So ponder that.
Like I said, everything is on my term.
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