Monday, April 7, 2008

Private Sim for 1000 US$ --why would pay for more?

Linden Lab will be reducing the price for the private island from current 1650 $ to 1000$!!!! Read it here.

Why would anyone pay for more?
Wait for few more weeks and you get islands for 1000 $.

For those of you starting to operate *lemonade stand* to buy a certain sim for 2000 us$, I predict that by the time you get enough money, others are buying class 5 brand new sims for 1000 $.


2000$ versus 1000$...

difficult choice, eh?


  1. I just wonder what took them so long? Have they hit the maximum threshold of growth or did they just finally realize that never ever again will we rejoice in the quality of service of the mostly lag free days and nights when no more than 12,000 residents were online.
    LL's terribly misbegotten decisison to open the grid for residents without own money, for camping bots, random alts of frowned upon griefers of old... and now they basically shaft all the idiots who paid more, when the grid lag was still ever increasing. All who paid the full price months or weeks ago, what are they gonna do? Raise a lynch mob and storm LL campus? Sometimes one just wishes they'd do.

  2. I was joking today, that LL will go down to the path of US Cellphone business model...

    *Free Cellphone for the customer who signed up for 2 year contract!* --Regular price will be 350$, Yours FREE now.
    *** Fine Print:Early termination charges of 350$ will apply if you cancel your contract before full term of 2 years.

    Of course, it unlikely that the sim will be totally free, but what do you know? they already made all the accounts free... For the yearly revenue of 3600$ for the private island, *free island* wont be such a bad idea... (*laughs hysterically)

    Well, now the ppl who bought the sims for 1250$(preNov,06) or 1650$, cannot sell the sim for the cost and bail out of SL altogether without eating up to 40% loss. You just have to stay in and rent out, since the tier wont be changing at least for now.
