Monday, June 1, 2009

Toyota of North America is owned by GM??!!!!!!LOLWUT

I was ignoring the seemingly pointless thread about GM's financial difficulty byHunter Linden because it has been an old news, and it is like discussing why the stupid people are stupid... But then again, I saw this post this morning and just couldn't stay out of it.

You can scroll back a page and read the comment by Nyala blaisdale... Ho my gawd...

"While I agree with you about the unions, the thing that you may not realize is that toyota is majority owned by, and operated by guess who? GM... to the point that the Toyota Camry is actually no more than a Chevy Impala (or is it the Malibu) with slightly different sheet metal, yet costs MORE, and is made in America by non union labor... THAT is the reason Toyota is profitable while GM goes bankrupt
~~~Nyala Blaisdale

Um... Toyota of North America is 100% subsidiary of Toyota Motor Co.

Camry is not sharing any platform with GM vehicles at this time.

I explain this about three times after I saw this, and the woman still insists that Toyota of North America is 51 % owned by GM. "Ridicule and joke all you want, the fact remains... " NO no No NO NO!

The decline of US auto industry is parallel to the phenomenon of degradation of the intelligence of the educated (err... lolwut?) average Americans.

I think I wrote something about Americans totally ignorant of who is the Japanese manufacturer back in 80s trade *cold war*... that many so called self proclaimed economic patriots didn't even know Sony was Japanese Company, while they cheerfully burn the Japanese products, their prized possession being a new aqcuisition of fabulous 30inch Sony TV.
"Errr... Mike... You don't like Japanese products, right? That means if you can buy the same item from American company , you will not buy anything from Japanese Company right?"
"Hell yea. What?"
"Um. Sony... That's a Japanese Company. Morita-san runs it. (yea this was back in late 80s. ) "
"NO fucking WAY!"
"WAY, dude! So can I have it? "

Yea this is a real episode.

I didn't imagine back then, some 20 years later, I still have this conversation with some dumb, ignorant American. I always laugh at this sort of stuff. It is just... lol comical. It's not racial, its not bias, its just fucking comical dumb shit.

GM owns the half of Toyota North America's shares... lol IF that was true, do you think they are in this deep shit?
I don't think so.


  1. Hahahahahahahaha.
    Fred I envy you, between us you by far have to deal with the more stupid people.

    If, IF any GM model would actually contain a majority of Toyota parts or was based on a Toyota platform, then that would be the only model in their portfolio that would not suck.

    The only GM brand that does not suck is not sold in the US, that's Opel.

  2. XD US government preaching about international free trade n shit, but they can't seem to open the automotive market for fair competition. LOL I could go on about this, but I didn't think Forum population do not possess any aptitude for understanding international trade and business, politics of different country involved...

    Do you think diesel fuel's emission is the real reason for banning all the diesel fuel hybrids? I think not.

  3. Diesel Fuel Emission is US media hype bullshit to conserve what's left of their shitty automotive industry shares. My Peugeot 207 SW has particle filter and blue agent (Urea) injection system. It is 100% California compliant (present day).

  4. TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. And thats a fact.
