Saturday, May 30, 2009

Oh Hunter Linden in my follower's box... lol

Um, you could just use your *bookmark function* to follow my blog, just as suella or beagles do. LOL

And another new anon person . :D

Both welcome to my boring blog.

I can say one thing about Hunter Linden, tho.

He reminds me of some dudes in highschool that who never dates with the girls but strangely very comfortable hanging out with girl's clique, talking about fashions and stupid jokes that only the pubescent girls perceive them to be funny.
They are usually very geeky and that ability also apparent when they have no problem learning the latest fashion and variations of cheap fashion brands all those teenagers patronized...

What I don't understand is tho...

How can some grown man laugh repeatedly and think it is just a lighthearted comments about the same old fucking joke about cheese and knickers thrown into it... for the ... get this, folks, not once, not twice, not even three times... but like gazillion, bazillionth of time.

Can anyone explain that to me?

1 comment:

  1. I was going to give you a scientific analysis of the cliquey disease that has taken our beloved Hunter Linden, but instead I will show you a picture to better explain it:

    Hunter Linden's Brain
