Thursday, May 14, 2009

The lesson stupid ppl may never be able to learn... #1

(OK the entry ended up nothing to do with original title so I fixed the title.)

As much as I tell it like it is, I never intent any of my entry as hate speech. If you read my entry of any kind, I never pass judgment on person themselves, mainly because I don't care, and I don't know the person enough to form any sort of opinion about them.

That has been said:

In general Forum for Xstreet (public forum), there are variety of characters who just cannot project themselves as they probably intended.

The reason for failure, mostly for
their lack of consistency (You should have learned this vocabulary by now.),
lack of control for their own emotional reaction,
lack of backbone(balls, if you may),
lack of ability to comprehend other ppl's entry,
lack of conviction when they try to deliver/articulate/execute their points IF they have one etc etc...

In short, they are just weak minded ppl, who tend to go *lynch mob mentality* whenever they see fit. Their mass psyche of sheepish followers are just too predictable to be amusing all the time, since they do not have wicked intention as some of us do. *wink, wink*
So they are just pretend to be upstanding, righteous citizen of the forum, when they are alone, and just switch to ugly troll when in numbers. WHICH, gives me the conclusion that they are fake and superficial, lacking their own conviction, and inconsistent.
Their inconsistency is apparent from thread to thread, often, only few seconds apart. That, is almost comical, since those ppl like Sleven whoever, posts righteous comment on one moment, then at the same time, go to next thread, and making the opposite comment of trolling. He also knowingly particiate in deliberate trolling, yet have audacity to call some elf(!) being a troll. LOL omg. wha?

However, there are always some exceptions to the rules... in this case, there are ppl who are deliberately being one of the dumb ass in Forum on purpose, by design, with intent on self serving objectives to achieve.
Oh, I'm not talking about drama whores and some emotional posts.

I'm talking about character such as Amiryu Hosoi, who repeatedly manipulates her posts disguising into seemingly innocent(and really dumb, but it wont look significant in forum because there are so many retarded threads anyways) questions, so just be able to put her name on the thread originator, and with it her banner on every entry she *kindly* take her time to responds to the *contributions* of *innocent-I mean in a bad way* forum readers.

Those sheepish brainless forum readers are always stupid enough to buy into her scheme every fucking single time.
So, Amiryu now posts about twice a day.

Her thread title are usually one word, to peek interests. -Her trick #1.
Her questions, so retarded, no one seems to put any opinions of their own -Her trick #2
Her answers, already prepared when she posts question, are posted some 43 minutes later from the original entry.With it, she earns her own star sticker. LOL -Her trick #3

Couple of threads by Amiryu last few days

Regarding some ads that business who pays 250L for 15 hours a week employment.
She pretends to be disgusted. LOL I bet that is her own ad for her sweat shop labor.
SL's emplyment always have been cents to the dollar. She knew this all too well(that is why she is in here.) yet this retarded question at this time of SL...

"Linden Trees" (or trees whatever.)
"Linden trees doesn sway on release candidate viewer. But I like my trees swaying when i'm walking thru a beautiful sim(of mine, which there are NO linden trees)"
less than 50minutes later(lol) she posts how to trigger flexi on debug menu. ... Right She had that blog entry BEFORE she posted retarded *I want to enjoy "MY" beautiful second life as it was* thread. I'm not THAT narcissistic. Please.

"6534 Is this forum record?"
LMAO both just too retarded.
The number of concurrent login for Forum. Mind you, Xstreet Forum.
Who the FUCK cares.
etc etc

Since I already pointed out a couple of times in her own thread, and she didnt even defend herself, I take it was true. lol
All she could say to me each time was: "You are gay!" insults and "Look at my blond japanese av and smile, it will take my dark clouds away!" --phailed sarcasm? ... She needs to bring her game up, if she wants to insult me.

Oh that will take me to next, much more deeper subjects.

Please, just, ppl. Learn the art of insults. Just. Please.
I read Forum not because it is important, but because it is like TV, and sometimes, you need to watch Jerry Springer between CM time on CNN ,Fox and ESPN.

Now, you watch ESPN because professional sports are good. They beat each other up, but they do it with skills, right?

So, why do I have to suffer reading these elementary school playground insults like "your mama has outie." "you gay!"... ... ... ...

And what the fuck is wrong with all those ppl, who can't take the opposing opinions as it is. Always OFFENDED easily by just about anything. This, i know there are some silent forum reader already blogged about the subject. But I have to repeat that here, as well, since this is one of the main Forum characteristics in general.

They always have to be warm and fuzzy with everyone in their OWN clique, and anyone who is not in it, are trolled or derailed or flamed whatever the moods suit them.
And then theres ppl who are so senthitive about everything.
They would be appalled at the slight impression of sarcasm or insults for their sheep brains. Then all of a sudden they turn into trolls themselves, because they can't controll their emotional dent.

*Learn the art of insults (recommended)
*develop some thick skin, if you don' t want to be looking like some 14 year old Emo girl.
*Controll your emotions, when you engage in debate.

It just deeply amuses me when ppl make false assumption that I am trying to earn their respect or I would be insulted by barnyard mudslinging of the least sophisticated level... They make false assumption that insults by them would dent my pride because I could not earn their validation... lolwut?

Let this be known now:

I am not trying to earn their respects nor validations, therefore, also, their playground insults does nothing to my pride in a least bit.Just because they are easily offended about stupid stuff, that doesn't mean I would be.

Watch and Learn, every now and then. lol


  1. I find it amusing that Suella thinks you're the King of Trolls for posting your OPINION on others. Then she turns around and boasts about being "snarky," posts her opinions on others and frequently antagonizes other members for their grammar or other irrelevant things. Those who lack the ability to be rational tend to dismiss any opposition as "trolling." Only the feeble minded would use "troll" as a cop out.

    Oh and what about Kwant Crapalini? He makes an uncalled for remark to Remy in agreement with you. Then you post an uncalled for fanfic on Amiryu and suddenly Kwant bashes on YOU for the very same thing he was doing earlier. Everyday on XStreet, someone always pushes the record for stupidity and hypocrisy.

    None of the above is surprising considering the proposal to have a Mute Thread/Poster feature implemented. I almost died laughing at those weaklings' inability to ignore.

    XStreet's entertainment value has deteriorated. I'm better off watching two crippled people fight for entertainment.

  2. Oh... Rival destiny thinks She has fat file on her profile in my notes. THat is another funny thing.

    She has only line that reads:
    flag bearer of lynch mob, who only makes comments in no more than three words, often only consists of single or double syllable words.

    How am I going to make such uninteresting person a fat file.

  3. I for one am in love with you.

    You can run, but you can't hide. Your piccy is my desktop background.

    As Iris stated about Erik Kayo, I have a mad mancrush.

  4. yea, I know.
    You have got to stop, or people will talk. XD

    You think I don't know every time you mention my name?

    The next Forum bets will be "How many time ppl mention Fred's name/hint him in a day?" ...

    I will make a bet with ppl who reads, and person who name the correct number will win the pot.

    Either way, house wins. lol'
