Monday, December 7, 2009

Additional item on my fetish

There were comment posted by my reader warspite, on the entry below.

Frederic Prevost's fetish

5. messing with inane people's minds
6. telling it what it is
7. making people gnaw their legs off because they cannot get you

yes... pretty much.

The biggest mistake on the part of "inane people" in Second Life is this:

They are mistaken that they are protected by Geneva Convention while they are playing some virtual characters.

And then, they realized that there are no protocols in Geneva Convention for the humanitarian relief of fake characters... they try to blame it on Fred.

The fact: Inane or not, the logic applies to everyone. Surprise!

"Blame it on Fred!"

I have a Final exam on dictation tomorrow.

(I just came back from the Final Exam. I think I got everything correctly. Perfect score. A+. It really sucks that I got -0.5 on one of the sight reading quiz. Every other quiz, online quiz, Mid Term, were all perfect scores on this unit. Actually, I have one more performance Final on this unit on next Tuesday. I am prepared and confident about the subjects on performance, so it will not be a issue.

Although she is not my Music theory 101 professor, she also teaches the different section, therefore I asked her opinion on my first composition. She answered me a couple of minor notation questions, corrected few notations for different voicing, and gave me fictitious A+ on my composition Final Project, if I was in her section. Not only that, she suggested that I should keep this piece for the projects in advanced music theory, because some of the musical elements that I included are only covered in intermediate and advanced classes. Yay --Too bad, my professor decided not to do any composition project, citing the reason that too many of my classmates are not yet to be capable to fulfill all the requirements.

She explained some analysis on my own composition to me, and told me that I should continue relying on my ears, since I already have enough grasp of musical expressions and knowledge, vocabulary to compare to. If it makes sense, you are doing it right. Sometimes, it is just as simple. )


  1. The funny thing is... about Geneva Convention:
    People think it's because the swiss are so humanitarian.
    The swiss were the first at the end of the middle ages to slaughter entire armies including nobility not caring about ransom money but rather killing off their enemy.
    Could give more examples but rest assured I know some very bad bad swiss guys, they are friends but they are baddass and NOT humanitarian. Hahaha. :D

  2. Without all those bad ass dudes in swiss army, they would never have been able to keep their neutral status for long.

    If anyone is thinking they are neutral because they can't fight or they are incapable of defending, I think that person is either grossly negligent of the history/politics in general, or just plain ignorant.
