Oh, Two of my professors enthusiastically recommended me to be their each respected subject tutor.
"Fred received the highest score in the class, and poised to be the great tutor for this subject. "
--- it isn't music. It is for one of the science course. Yea, I'm not just a music geek.
Update of yesterday's subject post:
How in the hell is my fault that 35 students missing their first assignment?
The answer is one of the following.
1. Because I turned in my post 3 days before the due.
2. Because the content I posted was too sophisticated for others.
4. Because those 35 who missed the due date were lazy bastards who can't keep their asses organized enough, or had no intention to turn in the assignment in the first place, because they have stupid excuses like... "My dog was using my laptop."
5. Answer 3. and 4.
Anyways, I never heard the excuse, "I didn't turn in my assignment, because one of my classmates were smarter than I am."
But according to my professor, the depth of my analysis and thorough content is the reason half of her students didn't do their assignment. Yea, really... *rolls eyes*
This has to be one of the best medals of my fucking life. Maybe I set this in my epitaph.
"Here lies the one, whose wits were too sophisticated for his college classmates."
It is just too stupid.
They can go fuck themselves. srsly.
I can understand some 14 year old can go emo over school, because some educators are actually lame.
For an online class, it's easy for certain students to forget they're enrolled. Would you say that her syllabus wasn't clear enough? Or the assignment listings were hard to find?
ReplyDeleteThere is no way all of them missed an assignment because of one dude's post. Hell, I bet most don't even read other student's posts, let alone the instructions.
Even IF some students complained, it isn't your problem if they're intimidated and it shouldn't have been brought to your attention. If they were intimidated, they could've engaged and learned from you to better their own posts.
Good on you for not taking the blame for others' laziness. It'll be funny if her class is forced to close due to no attendance. She won't have anyone to blame by then.
I really could not understand her reason still.
ReplyDeleteI know no one complained, and she did not substantiate the reason, other than her own "concern".
I truly think they are just lazy. IF 35 student drops the course, it will be her fault and she cannot blame me.
If most of them stay, then she can't blame me, EITHER.
Srsly,if that happens, is she going to tell the dean, "One of my student was too smart and scared everyone away."
That is why it's epic phail.