Monday, February 13, 2012

New Link [College Misery]

My blog list/links on the right side now added [College Misery]-professors contribute to this blog about what they experience in colleges across U.S.

I was visiting my Humanities course professor yesterday, and she also told me that what I have seen so far are not at all unique to me.

Apparently, the experiences are all too common among professors all over the U.S.

I am not sure I should feel better that I'm not the only one, or I should lament the fact that I cannot escape this fate anywhere in the US, either as a student nor as an instructor/professor which I am aspiring to be...


So, the stupid student of the week (I should make this a series...) 

Humanities XX2 has page in our college online server where they store the course/class materials and external links.
Because she is an enthusiastic and good professor, she posted all the materials, including complete exam, assignment schedules, reading list and project list, due dates of extra assignments in the first week.

To make everything painless for the students, she also gave us the exam questions in the first week, and all we have to do is study them and submit answers on the day of exam.
Basically, we take the exam at our own leisure, in the comfort of our own home, in the course of 4 weeks or so. 
On the day of exam, we will compose two short essays, which was also given to us in the first week as a study guide material.

She lists two essay questions, and the list of additional materials to prepare.

All the instructions are clearly described.

--- It cannot be more easier and user friendly, methinks.

Then, this student, mister I-act-like-"I'm-actually-literate-and-have-common-sense", asked this question. 

"So, what kind of essay are we going to write next week?" ... and questions about what sort of exam he should expect followed...

... I think he wanted to look like he actually cares about his college education, but it backfired on him, because I actually care about my college education more than he does.


Okay, I usually don't act condescending or giving the condemning look in real life, knowing that there are some students with disabilities and attending the classes for occupational therapy, but yesterday, I had to laugh out loud and gave him a look.

And I told him over my shoulder in the coldest tone;

"Dude, professor posted a study guide on the second day (which is near 5 weeks ago for us). Did you even go to <> ?  Answers for everything you just asked are there. "

He replied:
"when did she give us that paper?"
Now, myself and the girl sitting next to me responds in slight amusement:

"Dude, you are supposed to log in and print them out yourself. It is in the syllabus."

The fact is that, everyone has to go to <> to download or view the syllabus. 

I hope he learned the lesson.
(... yeah, I can hear my readers' voice, "He won't")

From what my professor told me yesterday in private, she hardly ever encounter student who actually study her class contents and give a sincere consideration, if even with an academic curiosity...
She told me that it is painful to grade essays written for exams, because many of them can't even make a clear thesis statement and construct an argument of their own.


What really gets me isn't the stupidity of those students, because that is their shit, not mine. They can fuck up their own life all they want. 

What gets me the most, is that those fuckers are wasting my time and my professors time, and most of all, the taxpayers' money that funds their fucking education that they don't fucking care in the first place. 

So, I know for a fact that some of them are fucking thugs who are trying to revert the attention of their probation officers, but I hope all of my professors have the fucking sense to drop those fuckers early in their college career. 

Seriously, we don't need those fuckers coming back for second semester, clogging the waitlists, (because they are on welfare, meaning that they have FUCKING PRIORITIES in registration... I will talk about that on next time.) and wasting my classroom time with stupid questions about exam date listed in syllabus.

*this is what I wrote last week.
I had exam on this subject on Friday, and results came back today (Monday).
The tale of stupid students (notice; now in plural form) continued on Friday as well. So I decide to post them separately.

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