Monday, February 13, 2012

Stupid Student(s) -Day of Exam

I thought the one who asked what would we expect in our exam was stupid. ( Reason: The question was posted   6 weeks ago- No surprises for any of us)

But 2 days later, on Friday, we had exam, and another unbelievable thing happen.

After the "slide identification potion" has ended, which took about 20 minutes, this student came in. He seems to be in shock that the day he was in class (25 minutes late on 50 min. class) happened to be the first exam.
Then, he asked our professor to repeat "slide potion" for him. I applauded that my professor refused this *Speshul treatment.


5 minutes later, he, again walked to the professor and start argue that how he was unable to prepare so he should have some sort of ... you guessed it, "speshul treatment". Professor stood her ground and refused but the thing is... she fucking allowed him to distract all of us.

I shushed him loudly, explain that I was taking a (fucking) exam and has to concentrate for constructing my essay.

You know what? I will email my professor today that she should have locked the door after 10 minutes on exam day.

So, Friday, I was so riled up, I was so cranky after the exam. Oh my exam was A. I mixed up the title of El Greco's "The Agony in the Garden" as "The garden of Agony", but she gave me a full points anyway.

Do you think that was the end of my misery? NO.
(By this time, some of my readers must have been enjoyed too much to see me in constant state of mental pain. No fucking shit.)

So today, Monday, Prof, returned our exam, take home exam, and circulated the student grade spread sheet in the class. 

I was the one of 2 A grade. (It's not surprising. Right? )

17 F.   (!!!!!)
Mostly C or D. 
Rejoice, if you get B. 

How in the  fucking hell is it even possible to get C's and F's, when you have the complete questions at hand for 6 weeks? 

So the prof announced to the whole class that she has to chastise everyone. LOL HAHA
Oh. She added that people who really needs to hear it, are not even the class today.

Good, she acknowledged that she didn't want to scold people who made A grade. (like me) 

But seriously, I feel her pain. 

Yes, her class has bazillion assignments. 
Yes, her class discusses highly intelligent subjects that ... I usually rant about it in here.
Yes, it is a survey course, and it is very broad. 


She makes all the study guides and documents that you can pass the class with A/B grade, even if you lack some common sense knowledge and understandings. 

She should drop all those students, so I can have more discussion time or whatever in class. 

17 F's? I didn't know there are more than 17 students still registered, since I rarely see about 11 students in class. 

Those fucking stupid students don't deserve to be there, I think.


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