Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ppl who can't spell their own store...

Amateurish incompetent merchants and business owner in SL is plentiful. I understand that not everyone is coming from business background or had any experiences or even basic knowledge of marketing.

That is fine.
You study, learn gain experience, observe others... etc. There are a lot you can do.
But how much you do those things, sometimes lack of incompetence would hurt themselves from ground up.

For instance, *spelling*...

Let's get real here.
You put your store brand name in your profile or blog, but none of those brand name is spelled correctly.
(It is not the matter of proper naming/branding. I think... ) Choosing the words that misspelled frequently for your brand is not a good idea to start with, but that brand, if YOU can't even spell those not even once correctly... how do you expect your customer or potential client to find you?

I have seen profiles and advertisement after another, that the owner themselves can't spell their own business... Store signs says *Frederick's*, the profile says *Fredrick's* and your blog says *Frederic's* ... and the vendor box for one product says "Frederich's".
(The example are not real. To protect the person from shamed in public.)

It is cute when 5 year old kindergartener can't spell his own name on his home work.
It is not even funny, a couple of grown adults can't find the mistakes at all, but making those mistakes over and over, profile after another blog after another, vendor after another... SAD.

Nothing to do with experience or knowledge of business.

Common sense.

Am I bitching? NOT AT ALL.

I am jumping up and down with joy, because there are so much less competition there.
Throw in some giggle, too.

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