I love this country! I love USA.
We have *Freedom of speech* *Freedom of expression*. PPl on the otherside of the ocean, tend to forget because they still live in the countries where they are subject of Her Majesty. Is that why they have this *I'm the strong King* complex in third life of their SL?
I want to take the readers to the dark side of the third life in Second Life.
How this come to be?
My art was judged *Too Dangerous for the vampire's eyes* and all thrown out from the certain vampire RPG sim, Darkside in Second Life.
(By the way, I don't think they have a written permission of Publisher and the owner of the IP/author to use *Anita Blake* name. It would be a violation of TOS in SL as well. Ms. Laurell K. Hamilton has expressed in her website that there are no RPG based on her creation will ever be granted permission. Side note, she was notified of this fact by few Second Life resident, so the publishers can investigate and file DMCA and other legal actions.)
Oh , they didn't say it but that would be the only reason. The vampires as narrow-minded little human as they are in RL... sad. You can't even hide from your meager existence of your RL- if there is such a thing, in SL's third life.)
They are so afraid of being reported of abusive behavior,discrimination and harrasment, they just used their little brown nosers to "politely return my object".
I did not fight. Of course not. As far as SL goes, that is done.
The owners don't even have a balls to come to me and "I don't want to let you leave your art exhibition because etc."
The little manager even asked me to leave the group, so that * will save her from ejecting me from the group.*
That, I politely refused, stating "It's not my job, hun. "
She told me to note that the prorated rent was refunded. (IS she implying that i should be thankful because I got 100L back?)
I notified the vendor group that my contract was terminated abruptly without explanation.
One person, I have to note that angrily, IM me that the girl had right to return my object. The reason is my vendor was "slandering the sim" .
This is the fringe benefit, when you are trying to write satire about third life to a tabloid paper. Someone always stick their nose and reveals exactly why I'm writing this. Makes my job easier.
Ah, the dumb ass who can't even debate in their own native language....
I never even met that person.
It never ceases to amaze me that there is a person always walk in after the battle is over and claim she was in it? Drama whore that has to stick her nose in every controversy even she was not even the sim the whole time??? Pitiful *snort-laugh "You are NOT IN IT!" *then press mute button -thank god for the self governance tool.
The brown nosers should keep their noses where it belongs.
1.Why would she think I'm slandering?
To answer that, she has to admit what I said it in my art is in fact the truth. Oh that would be painful for them to do, I would suppose.
That is why the owners refrained from debating the contents.
They can't admit that they had a different opinions about my art. But they are afraid to debate the subject and contents.
In the comedy, always the one willing to admit it unknowingly in front of enemy, despite the efforts of their allied subject to conceal the weakness...
It's not slander.
For I have never said anything bad about them.
All the pictures are basically snap of myself or myself with friends from the past and present.
Note that there are not one person from this sim is in the picture.
None of the rules, regulations and laws were violated, SL or RL. (I'm not that sloppy.)
It is called *Satire*, and has been used to express the distaste for the government/policies (or lack thereof) for centuries, because the freedom of speech was not possible. They lose their head.
Now, in the 21st century of virtual land, WHY the hell would I have to use satire ?
Because the owners has this *I'm the powerful King with gorgeous thread* complex even though this person is exactly *naked King* that surrounds his/herself by the ppl only say things he want them to say. (Ah, lost cause of cautionary tale? )
The dark side of third life.
One person who has little money to waste on virtual land that rarely runs as it was intended. Obviously they have little or no life that is why they spend so much time in this imperfect world.:
Whole bunch of others who can't afford a kingdom of their own, or too weak to stand on their own:
The king benefits from their lack of self esteem fulfilled, by just keeping yesmens around and ban everyone who speak up /stand fro themselves.
The retention rate is so low. The faces of the members of the group changes so frequently, and to the benefit of the king, the younger member does not know why there are not too many older members around.
The fact: Good people with head on their shoulders who are trying to contribute are usually banned or realized the effort is not worth the experiences. Some members avoid contact with owner altogether because they know the reputation.
(The exhibition was triggered because the owner removed one whole group who were actively contributing to the sim's RP. And as far as I can see it was the most solid organization inside the sim, till the king went mad and banned the leader, and subsequent ban of other member the king intended to make the leader, who refused the offer. The king cant take the refuse very well... As a result, it caused mass exodus of good rper who spend a lot of time rping in that sim. The most are mature adult just wants to have fun. Who would want to kiss ass just to stay there and play? There are millions of sims that we can rp. So they did on the same afternoon.)
2. They can't admit that they know where the picture was taken.
That would be a hanging offense!
How would you know it is , *GOD FORBID* Transylvania?
Ah,, the dark side of the third life!
You don't even have freedom to visit different sim.
Ah, The dark side of the third life!
Darkside members are prohibited to go to Transylvania, and Transylvania members are prohibited to join Darkside.
I know that few members were banned from Darkside because they didn't know *THE LAW*. And Transylvania sometimes send alt account of their officers to patrol around their rival sim, mostly to find their own members who are violating *Their Code of Conduct*.
Isn't that funny?
We be da shit,yo. knaamean?
3.It's not offensive/sexual contents.
The most risque image is the one I'm wearing pink undies and pink boots.
In this day and age, the picture can be in the prime time TV show or even cartoon for children. (I saw Patric Star of Spongebob wearing black fishnets and boots...)
So the pink is so scandalous for vampire's eyes to handle? *rolls eyes
Yes, Pink outfit is prohibited in darkside sim...
I know. I'm going to hell, right?
I committed a mortal sin!!!
Exhibited The picture of myself wearing pink outfit in vampire sim!
The darker side of third life!
Two words for ya
Hah! I know of which sim and which kin.. er, fool with a Napoleon complex of which you speak.
ReplyDeleteYes, what he did recently was rude, hateful and ultimately shortsighted. But he will never understand that. He needs his cult of personality, and any other individual who people gravitate toward is therefore a threat to him. He needs to surround himself with people who are like mirrors, reflecting his own delusional image of himself.
I know because I was at the center of a previous mass banning/exodus from the sim. And while it was not my choice to go, I do think that looking back it was one of the better experiences I've had in SL. Liberation is so ... well, liberating *smile*
The tragic thing, however, is that this nut case is genuinely abusive to good people with good intentions. I've seen him use up and chew through people who wanted nothing more but to make their vision for that sim a reality. Too many good people hurt, worn down, torn up and tossed aside.
He's nothing special, really. Abusers like him are cheap and common, and they all work off the same script. You can see his next move coming. Now he's playing the poor, misunderstood victim. Soon he'll be laying on the saccharine sweet come-ons again to lure in a new crop. And once he thinks he has them, he'll turn on them. Lather, rinse, repeat. And yet never, not ever, will he understand his own role in this. What a sad and pathetic way to go through life, don't you think?
I'd love to see whatever exhibit of yours it was that caused such a ruckus. Hell, I wouldn't mind tossing a few IMs back and forth with you, either. Look me up - Asher Bertrand.
And hey, Little Lord Fauntleroy? I know you're reading this: You're still an ass =D
Fiat Lux!
Hi, my name is Novae Zymurgy and I know Asher and several people that were cast out by the hurricane that is the King. (lol I almost typed out his name :O) I had a friend who's name was Manicexpresion Beebe and she was a family member for a long time. I remember her complaining about how he used to treat her like shit and about how all the inner workings of Darkside.
ReplyDeleteI never had a problem with them personally, because I never caused any problems though I wanted to. It's sad that they banned your exhibit though. Who does he think he is? God? Well, perhaps now he does.
I hope the reporting thing goes through as planned and he gets a taste of the karma that he has gathered up. I would have also liked to see the exhibit that pissed him off :D
Just note that you're better of not being near that place anyway. It's so confining.
Oh, yes the irony of it all. Pity some people do not know when to grow up, and quit the grade school playground antics.
ReplyDeleteThey never realize that people can be strong. Just pity they cannot tolerate strength in their midst and banish it, shun it, then preach strength to their weak flock of believers. Lemmings, the lot of them, and for those not lemmings, I fear how their existence will end there. Probably just as rudely as everyone elses....Wait, not rudely, weakly.
Ahh DJ. Get a life.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteOne Of the comment I delete was the duplicate post by Kelly. I do not censor contents as do some ppl like in this blof subject...
ReplyDeleteSick, sad and sorry.. three words to decsribe the so called "Masters" of this sim from the Darkside. The place would have been quite nice if it werent for the constant tantrums by the silly little tyrant who want's to be feared. I never feared him, he's quite pitiful actually, ruling his roost with lies and behavior that would make Jim Jones joygasm. Meh, I'm not a joiner, so his mystique never appealed to me, but the ones who do see something in him are just a quickly bitten in the ass as those who could give a flying frick about him. I too was part of a mass exodus and have never been happier. I DANCED with glee the night I realized we were outtie. He can keep his sub par build and sit squarely upon it. Hehe..funny footnote, the brown nosed ones that so gleefully did his bidding in hurting a friend of mine, were almost immediately screwed over after we left..so that made me giggle a bit.
ReplyDeleteEl karma es una perra, no? Hehe
Like many others, I too, only wanted to have fun and enjoy DS...only to have the glass shatter before my eyes and get a glimpse into the abyss that the self-proclaimed "Masters" of the city have built...on shifty sands. Too many good people have been trod upon, cussed at, insulted, and hurt by two individuals that don't have the character or self-respect to admit when they are wrong, or even manage a simple "I'm sorry". My ~dismissal~ from that dank, incestuous, pit of self-righteousness was a blessing in disguise. I found out who my true were, and have experienced a better SL because of it.
ReplyDeleteI want to see this exhibition also...anything that those two would dismiss, I know I would like! Let me know!
~Ambressa Blachere