Whats with those people who pouring into lump sum of up to 3000US$ with 300$ monthly tier fees wasted to have a little island on virtual land located inside the servers owned by Linden lab, to have RPG land based on some published best sellar books you DID NOT write?
Yes, I have been those RP sims. I am talking about various Gor related sim, Anita Blake vampire sims, various vampire RPG already existed on other venues...
I am not against at all that people go there, spend their leisure time in SL, play few roles of slavers, sex slaves, vampires who feeds on sex and/or violence etc. etc. Play some feuds with human who abhor preternatural creatures... It is all in fun.
It becomes very annoying that those fantasy cross into real life and the other person you are playing the vampires with, started to show the pathological case of Napoleon complex, or *Desperado effects* of omega male: becoming abusive about the fucking fantasy you are playing.
In Gor sim,
"I am Master Soandso, respect me."
"I am Master Disanddat, real life Gorean Master... "
Do you know how hilarious does that sound?
Slave is not stupid. They can still perceive who is respectable and who is not.And the ones who tell others to respect him/her... usually lacks respectablity and ability to get respected in their own right.
For the second one, you must be lost in space, because last time I checked, this is Earth. You are in the wrong planet.(For those unfamilier, Gor is a fictional planet.)
That itself is funny enough, I am not going to list tens of books related to Gor... You can do your own internet surfing and find out about Gor related books.
In Beauty sim,
"I am your Master, I can whip you and when I do, You will cry."
"You can't be arrogant sex slaves. You should choose different role..."
No, I can play whatever I like. I want to play arrogant captured slave prince who used to be a commander of his unit. You just have to outwit me in role play.
And and, Anne Rice never said this books was based in certain existing country, nor time period. It is fuckin fantasy.
Why is your Shakespearian stage background has anything to do with sex slave role play? Keep your Bard of upon-Avon to your RL...
yes, this really happened in RP sim based on Anne Rice's Erotica Fiction The Beauty Series...
In vampire sim namely Darkside,
"I am your Master, Gurdian, Father "
"You can't wear pink. This is Vampire place. Change your attire before I come back."
"I am beautiful, I am strong. I can't change what I am. I am a vampire."
"I do not wish to create rift among you because of who get to be in my bed. "
... and he went on and on and on for about one hour and a 38 minutes typing his ass away, how everyone wants to sleep with his pixel vamp. He said something in effect of "I dont want to split our vampire group because of my " flavor of the month", so to speak" At this point Im is flying around waking up fellow vampires from snoring dose, "Did you hear that? LOL. *Flavor of the months! *giggles* "
Well... what ever you say, chump.
You can be whatever you want to be, but be ORIGINAL! dumb ass...
Create something on your own, not some make-believe based on someone's books. That is not much different from preschoolers on the fenced playground.
As long as you are playing characters created by someone else, you are as fake as you can be.
Do not even threaten to ruin others because you have copyrights. You DO NOT have copyrights of Anita Blake. It is almost as creative as it can get for a fat lie.
Anita Blake is a character created by US Author, Laurell K. Hamilton, and her publisher Penguin Group which contains but not limited to Penguin Group Inc (US), and various other international divisions, and also The Barkley Publishing Group.
To this day, 15 Anita Blake books is on the US market, and the new book is now scheduled to be in books store in a 2008 May.
As such, Ms. Hamilton holds all the copyrights on characters and concepts. She has expressed specifically that none of RPG, fan Fictions of any kind will be granted permissions for the use of her creation.
You have been warned.
... and ten minutes later I stop laughing.
ReplyDeleteYour blog has been added to my list of daily must-check sites.
"Flavor of the month," indeed.
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ReplyDeleteOh Now I *have to * go find SL funnies!