Friday, March 28, 2008

I thought this was the FUNNIEST!

The girl name DJ , ranting in her my space ...

I never even met this girl, and I have never seen this girl while I was in DS...
Hey she is probably the alt of the Fungus Craven.

There is always one that cant wait to get a hands on the drama , and She is the prime example of *Drama Whore in SL * You are not even in it!

And might I add... only the teenagers rants and fight with highschool clique in myspace, and always the geeks who is not in any clique start shit like this without knowing all the facts. As far as I'm concerned , she obviously doesnt know all the facts, therefore I can not debate with this individual.

Moreover, I do not engage in lunch room fight with little girls... LOL

Let's get one thing straight.

I never even sweat about DS nor SL.
Because unlike these ppl who are obviously *angry about sl*... I have a life outside. But it provides me a little leisurely laugh dealing with these morons, once in a while.

I didn't cry nor protest.
They have a right to do whatever they want. And I have never protested to Ary, who thrown out my shit. I just pointed out the facts that the contract was not between me and Ary, and just given the facts to other renters that it will and may happen. I have not say anything else. So I have no clue why this girl is upset. *pats the head of the girl.

But I will say this.

Mind your own fucking business.
and stay the hell on that side of the ocean, because I'm having a party over here in 27 degrees C sunshine weather!


  1. This must have been all about "there was drama and I wasn't in the middle of it, curse ye". Face it, 99% of SL DJs are attention whores. I should know, I've been one. ;)

  2. Hey I don't deny that I am an attention whore. I have been like this since I was born. However, I have enough wits and smarts on my own without depending upon pathological case of Napoleon Syndrom or Desperado complex of omega male/female...

  3. 笑えるのは何度も何度も私のプロフやブログを読みに来ては、自分のマイスペースで絡む人間が必ずいることで。まったく関わりないのに。(爆)
