Oh I know many people actually afford to waste/spend lump sum of 300/month/sim... not to mention initial cost of mid 2000$ at least, sometimes 3000$ and up in auctions.
Those who can afford to do that, or enough talent to self feeds the operational cost, my Kudos to you.
For those with enough capital to invest and make it profitable.. well yea, its your money ... I do not care if you wipe that on your ass and flush it.
Let's put the second life in perspective, shall we?
Is your first life in order?
Are you able to keep y our own financial matter in check?
Are you able to feed your children and pay taxes?
Are your children well taken care of?
Are they prepared to learn in your school, everyday, without tardiness, happy and healthy?
If not, Do they get the best support they can get?
You have enough retirement savings taken care of, so that you wouldn't have to rely on your children to feed you when you got old?
Do you contribute to your community you live in as regular volunteer or donate annually to the charity you support?
Anything that has priority taken care of?
Everyone around you, and you are happy?
You still have disposable income a la Engel's law... then you can spend it to buy gas guzzling SUV or spend it on virtual game... whatever.
Me, the amount of money i want to spend in virtual game is about 25$. My store generates the sales to cover the cost of being in the SL, and then some. So I am about per on this numbers.
I can afford to spend probably a lot more easily, however, I have other entertainment I would enjoy in RL, I have addiction to starbucks coffees and green tea lattes, I have Steinway grand that requires constant care, Harley that breaks down every other months etc... and I don't think virtual game is not enough to explore arts and classical music anyways. It is just a matter of priority.
For those who, can't or do not know how to put priority straight, here is one for you.
(Disclaimer: consult your own financial expert . This is just a rant.)
*Save 3months worth of living expenses in cash(meaning checking account/ liquid savings account) for emergency.
*Save 5000$ per each household member of your family every year.(This could be tax free retirement saving if you are eligible worker. Consult your own tax laws of your income brackets.)
*Have spotless credit ratings, so you can have below the best rates if you have to get a loan for new car or mortgages.
*Invest every months in fairly stable long term investment products. (I dont say which one. You jsut have to learn those on your own. or hire financial professionals. Its worth it. if you get to this level.)
*Don't forget life insurance... that enough to supplement after you are retired.
You are not going to die after you turned 70. My Father is 81 and plays golf every day, beats 55 year old former pro golfer, winning in senior tournament... (yea scary, aint it. He is definitely incubus/devil... )
Then you still have several thousands in your checking account that you don't know what to do with?
Contribute to the community arts charity, symphony or opera company, museums, even, to underwrite a concert series. Give 1000 $ to each local schools who are having a hard time funding their arts program.
Buy books for low income area schools.
Buy a sim in SL! (LMAO)
You are all set, there. Good for you.
I have heard Paris Hilton said this "I see myself as role model. I work hard to establish myself."
Errr. yea. I thought that was her grandpa...
For those don"t have a Trust fund your family set up for you... Second life is probably not the first thing you want to put your disposable income in.
Oh of course.
You are all smart enough to know that already.
See you in the virtual land.
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