I receive a lot of notecard/ spams from random mall owners. I really want to report spam to LL but since those spam never follow up on the offer, so all I have to do is ignore and likely receive second spam from same business. (I doubt that any of them survived two months. )
However, I read the offer. Often generic and boring. It is unclear that who is the owner, why I would trust them enough to have business with them, etc etc. If it is a business, they should treat themselves as such. I check the sender's profile, and they are near blank or newly created avatar. I was not born yesterday.
Then, I have read mall owners on some forums that they dont have to cator to creators, nor worship those business owners who rent their space... because it is a business and they have to make money, too. LOL wow what a concept.
HOw ignorant and immature to the point of naivete. Yes it is a business, so you have to make an effort to negotiate and make a deal. If that is the *catoring* and against their business philosophy, then they are in the wrong business. LMAO ROFL.
We, as a business owners ask for free rent for few weeks, if we are not the one asking to rent. We ask for free prims, because we know how to negotiate. We ask for discounts, because that is how the business works. We compare the price with other mall and ask for price match. Of course, we do.
That is not asking for charity or favor. THAT IS THE POINT OF THE BUSINESS.
They do not have to take that personally. All you have to do is make a counter offer. If you think 4 weeks free rent is too much, then make a counter offer of 2 Free weeks. We may counter counter offer for 3. You may or may not want to do that, because having an empty mall does not create4 new traffic.
As a experienced shopper, I avoid shopping malls. If I do search for certain creator, and if that person has few location to choose from, I pick main store, which rarely located in shopping mall.
If my choice is limited to shopping mall and I can't find the store where I landed. Then... LISTEN to this... I will leave. YES. IF I see the tp machine where I landed. I will at least wait for it to rez, but that is all I would do.
So, other business owners. Check your rented location. Tp to the shopping mall you are rented. can you find your location where you landed? If the answer is No, you should stop rent that mall.
It has nothing to do with worshipping creators nor catoring store owners. It is about making your business worth to the shoppers and renters.
Simple is that.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion. This blog contains personal and often, very harsh and crude opinion of character who lives inside the virtual world called Second Life™. It may contain highly intelligent topic or adult materials/languages. Use with your own discretion. MY FANTASY IS NOT YOUR REALITY. "Everyone wants the truth but hates me for giving it." You have been warned. © 2006-2012 Frederic Prevost All rights reserved.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Note to self...
- checkout all the new fonts I acquired today in photoshop.
- maybe work on new logo
- work on future plans
- work on matching cuff for selected collars
- work on this to do list.
- make sure I am on other people's to do list...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ppl who can't spell their own store...
Amateurish incompetent merchants and business owner in SL is plentiful. I understand that not everyone is coming from business background or had any experiences or even basic knowledge of marketing.
That is fine.
You study, learn gain experience, observe others... etc. There are a lot you can do.
But how much you do those things, sometimes lack of incompetence would hurt themselves from ground up.
For instance, *spelling*...
Let's get real here.
You put your store brand name in your profile or blog, but none of those brand name is spelled correctly.
(It is not the matter of proper naming/branding. I think... ) Choosing the words that misspelled frequently for your brand is not a good idea to start with, but that brand, if YOU can't even spell those not even once correctly... how do you expect your customer or potential client to find you?
I have seen profiles and advertisement after another, that the owner themselves can't spell their own business... Store signs says *Frederick's*, the profile says *Fredrick's* and your blog says *Frederic's* ... and the vendor box for one product says "Frederich's".
(The example are not real. To protect the person from shamed in public.)
It is cute when 5 year old kindergartener can't spell his own name on his home work.
It is not even funny, a couple of grown adults can't find the mistakes at all, but making those mistakes over and over, profile after another blog after another, vendor after another... SAD.
Nothing to do with experience or knowledge of business.
Common sense.
Am I bitching? NOT AT ALL.
I am jumping up and down with joy, because there are so much less competition there.
Throw in some giggle, too.
That is fine.
You study, learn gain experience, observe others... etc. There are a lot you can do.
But how much you do those things, sometimes lack of incompetence would hurt themselves from ground up.
For instance, *spelling*...
Let's get real here.
You put your store brand name in your profile or blog, but none of those brand name is spelled correctly.
(It is not the matter of proper naming/branding. I think... ) Choosing the words that misspelled frequently for your brand is not a good idea to start with, but that brand, if YOU can't even spell those not even once correctly... how do you expect your customer or potential client to find you?
I have seen profiles and advertisement after another, that the owner themselves can't spell their own business... Store signs says *Frederick's*, the profile says *Fredrick's* and your blog says *Frederic's* ... and the vendor box for one product says "Frederich's".
(The example are not real. To protect the person from shamed in public.)
It is cute when 5 year old kindergartener can't spell his own name on his home work.
It is not even funny, a couple of grown adults can't find the mistakes at all, but making those mistakes over and over, profile after another blog after another, vendor after another... SAD.
Nothing to do with experience or knowledge of business.
Common sense.
Am I bitching? NOT AT ALL.
I am jumping up and down with joy, because there are so much less competition there.
Throw in some giggle, too.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
ToKon(Xcite!) -New Bondage system ... WOW!
I do not easily impressed about anything as you know. But this, I have to say I AM impressed.
Xcite! (TM and C, disclaimer etc etc) is known for pixel body parts and bondage collars, but they just updated the whole Bondage system with HUD based control.
But this is not just a new products. This new concepts are intriguing, and instinctive. You have to learn the function first, but watch the tutorial Video on the title link. Even you do not play pixel bondage, you will be impressed what they can do.
I think Xcite had been one of the best toy in SL around, and for now, they opened the whole new ideas for the pixel toys.
*New concept - Positioning(watch the Positions Tutorial)
Those prim body parts are not just for pixel sex with 12 options anymore. With this bondage HUD system, body parts are just a small percentage of the whole system. For that matter, we can totally ignore the sex part.
there are whole bunch of Tutorial video, but watch the one about *Positions*. This is a new function to control av position instinctively, which, up until now, only done by playing pose or animation.
With this system, you can put your own av or slave's av by controlling body parts from your HUD. Since the positioning are not scrolling through single poses, the combination could be over 20 thousand, according to tutorial. Virtually endless positions.
There are pre-loaded popular poses such as Nadu and Tower available of course, but the poses created by your imaginations can be stored as well. The days for searching and hunting for new slave poses are OVER!!!
Now, with this, even slave could crawl around without putting on crawl AO. All you have to do is go down to your hands and knees position, then move around... Voila! you are crawling to your Master/Mistress.
Slave HUD and professional Owner HUD each cost 500L. Well worth the price and then some.
I do text RP, but sometimes, confusion happens when you are explaining contorted body position of bondage play. And now, you can actually control your captive's body by restrain arm and legs and yank his head back, using HUD.
Great toys for RP in general.
Other general stuff... You dont have to remember all the command for add-on/plug-in scripts. It is in the HUD. Now owner can control your slave logging into website as well. No additional plugin needed. Message. Yes. Chain your slave to your own tree in the back yard? Yes. All without paying for extra scripts or plugin.
You make your own collar or restraints? No problem. You can add very inexpensive script, that is all.
The most cost effective/efficient bondage system. That I can tell for sure.
Next time, I will post pictures. :)
I do not easily impressed about anything as you know. But this, I have to say I AM impressed.
Xcite! (TM and C, disclaimer etc etc) is known for pixel body parts and bondage collars, but they just updated the whole Bondage system with HUD based control.
But this is not just a new products. This new concepts are intriguing, and instinctive. You have to learn the function first, but watch the tutorial Video on the title link. Even you do not play pixel bondage, you will be impressed what they can do.
I think Xcite had been one of the best toy in SL around, and for now, they opened the whole new ideas for the pixel toys.
*New concept - Positioning(watch the Positions Tutorial)
Those prim body parts are not just for pixel sex with 12 options anymore. With this bondage HUD system, body parts are just a small percentage of the whole system. For that matter, we can totally ignore the sex part.
there are whole bunch of Tutorial video, but watch the one about *Positions*. This is a new function to control av position instinctively, which, up until now, only done by playing pose or animation.
With this system, you can put your own av or slave's av by controlling body parts from your HUD. Since the positioning are not scrolling through single poses, the combination could be over 20 thousand, according to tutorial. Virtually endless positions.
There are pre-loaded popular poses such as Nadu and Tower available of course, but the poses created by your imaginations can be stored as well. The days for searching and hunting for new slave poses are OVER!!!
Now, with this, even slave could crawl around without putting on crawl AO. All you have to do is go down to your hands and knees position, then move around... Voila! you are crawling to your Master/Mistress.
Slave HUD and professional Owner HUD each cost 500L. Well worth the price and then some.
I do text RP, but sometimes, confusion happens when you are explaining contorted body position of bondage play. And now, you can actually control your captive's body by restrain arm and legs and yank his head back, using HUD.
Great toys for RP in general.
Other general stuff... You dont have to remember all the command for add-on/plug-in scripts. It is in the HUD. Now owner can control your slave logging into website as well. No additional plugin needed. Message. Yes. Chain your slave to your own tree in the back yard? Yes. All without paying for extra scripts or plugin.
You make your own collar or restraints? No problem. You can add very inexpensive script, that is all.
The most cost effective/efficient bondage system. That I can tell for sure.
Next time, I will post pictures. :)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A day as SL mentor... in noob island

Now All of the Orientation islands are gone, and converted into Help island.
I think its better this way. They don't need two different island for initial orientations.
Usually, I will be summoned as Japanese linguist to help them early in the morning. (Evening time for Japanese ppl.)
Japanese noobs are polite so they rarely gives us any grief. But sometimes, they are so afraid of asking questions or bothering mentors, they are in a hurry to walk away even though they didnt understand the answer I gave them. LOL
Many mentors takes personally when noobs do not respond to greetings, but they are simply not realizing that anyone would talk to you in the first place.
I remember the first day, it took some courage to say hi to those total pixel strangers wearing mentor tags. But they match me with resident who would help me get started with basics. I still in touch with the dude. :) Now we do not introduce noobs to experienced residents. I wonder why.
LL is wondering what they can do to retain new residents, and they can't seem to find the solutions. Introducing noobs to similar interested experienced residents can be a great way to promote retention I think, but well. You know how they are.
I dont know. If I'm motivated enough to help LL, I might make a suggestions.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Mozart digital music, critical notes...etc
(title will take you to the digital music site portal)
I have been waiting for such sites for a long time, and this can be the best source for any classical musicians, students and scholars.
The source material is from Baerenreiter, which is well known for critical urtext editions in the world.
I, personally own couple of Baerenreiter urtext editions of several composers.
(Each composers have critical editions from different publishers, and for Baerenreiter's I choose them especially Franz Schubert's works. and I know when it comes to Mozart, this edition can be one of the best source available for scholastic purpose to this day.Each publisher has strength for certain composers or purpose. Some editions/publishers are known for inexpensive editions but no critical notes were included, and cannot be a good source for scholastic purpose. Some, known for the quality of the prints and integrity. So we choose the edition fit particular purpose.)
Of course, the ones you seriously performing those compositions or learning, has to purchase printed edition, it is unavoidable despite the expense. However, learning chamber music or parts you do not play and/or to learn orchestral pieces, or to learn critical notes not available from other editions, this digital editions can be *god's gift* to us, starving musicians.
Mozart's music is one of the gift of all humanity has to offer. And this digital edition enable access to his composition to everyone.
(I wonder if they have Bach compositions... I have to check their link, later.)
I have been waiting for such sites for a long time, and this can be the best source for any classical musicians, students and scholars.
The source material is from Baerenreiter, which is well known for critical urtext editions in the world.
I, personally own couple of Baerenreiter urtext editions of several composers.
(Each composers have critical editions from different publishers, and for Baerenreiter's I choose them especially Franz Schubert's works. and I know when it comes to Mozart, this edition can be one of the best source available for scholastic purpose to this day.Each publisher has strength for certain composers or purpose. Some editions/publishers are known for inexpensive editions but no critical notes were included, and cannot be a good source for scholastic purpose. Some, known for the quality of the prints and integrity. So we choose the edition fit particular purpose.)
Of course, the ones you seriously performing those compositions or learning, has to purchase printed edition, it is unavoidable despite the expense. However, learning chamber music or parts you do not play and/or to learn orchestral pieces, or to learn critical notes not available from other editions, this digital editions can be *god's gift* to us, starving musicians.
Mozart's music is one of the gift of all humanity has to offer. And this digital edition enable access to his composition to everyone.
(I wonder if they have Bach compositions... I have to check their link, later.)
classical music,
free sheet music,
Friday, August 8, 2008
warm summer night

of funny turn of events, Fred encountered two women in one warm summer night. He knew one of them was a demoness.
I do not think it was punishment of any crime that he committed, although it resemble one. To Fred, I think, it was more like a sport of some kind. What do I know. He is just too twisted to be measured in an ordinary scale.
That took place in a open courtyard. The platform was built and the pole was installed at the center.
Some who watched from the side thought Fred was out of his mind, and understandably so. The demoness is known to thrive from fear and pain of their victims. And Fred did not know what she could do to him. It was a dangerous game, if he was thinking it was a game.
The lure of two beautiful women showering their attention solely on him so enticing? Probably.
In fact, the adoration poured onto him was more than enough to make him intoxicated from a surge of endorphin and other biochemicals... who needs pharmaceuticals anyways.
From false sense of security or lack thereof, he let one of the women blindfold him without any resistance, and he received few strikes across the cheek by both women, not long after his cheek started form bruises and welts he was brought to the center of the platform and his bound wrists hang awkwardly from the pole.
He did not know what to expect next. the scent of two women circling around, the sense of warm air stirred near his exposed flesh, a caress or a fast strike, either way he would suffer...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I got this schedule. :))

Friday August 15th
Fang Bang Presents "Altapalooza"
I solemnly claim the origin of the idea. *nods sagely
Fred will not be there. LOL (yup, he is still banned. ) but of course I received the invitation nevertheless.
Funny feeling. You are banned but not forgotten, moreover, you are missed.
I have that effect.
People who knocked out of my graces but had kept their eyes on my comings and goings, though I am not that dangerous as they think I am. I also kept this outlet for those who are not capable of communicating with me directly in person, so they can kiss my holy relics or have a glimpse of my life.
*extends the ringed finger
"... you may approach..."
(yea. Here, you kneel and bow to me and say "We are not worthy!" )
And for ley,
I always make an exception. (And you damn well know what it is!)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Alas, poor Yorick!

A pestilence on him for a mad rogue! 'a pour'd a flagon
of Rhenish on my head once. This same skull, sir, was, sir,
Yorick's skull, the King's jester.
This? [Takes the skull]
First Clown:
E'en that.
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite
jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath bore me on his back a
thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is!
My gorge rises at it.
(Hamlet Act5)
I decided against putting on Tudor/Elizabethan costume. I would look ridiculous in tights... So here it is. An anachronism takes over.
Friday, August 1, 2008
new wig

I found new wigs that are without bangs, and still works with my av.
For those of who insists on being "Looking like 'me' in RL" - how useless and irrelevant the notion could be and I personally think that those people just put the same color hair and height but they make a better looking version of themselves. For that matter, they are as vain as I am.*smirks I hate people can't admit that to themselves.- here, my hair usually looks boring as this.
Last time, I got red dye, but it washes out in a week or so. Ashy dark brown with faded blond highlights.
My wardrobe is boring as it gets.
Black T-shirt, Jeans, barefoot. I know I do not need any more pairs of jeans nor black t-shirt, however, it seems to accumulate each season no matter what. And I hate T-shirt... ... *sighs
The glasses. I have that black frame glasses, too.
there. the blog actually about me. lol
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