You would think that in this day and age of virtual community and iPhones, blackberry devices, we are living in the most advanced culture and society, comparing to the previous generations.
Let's say 19th century . ( No reason. I love Romantic Era, so I can write a comparison.. *chuckles*)
Back in the day, They did not even have condoms. (oh they were experimenting various items and method of contraceptives, but effective condoms only appeared after rubber was invented by Charles Goodyear late in 19th century.) The venereal diseases were plenty even among the upper class citizens and intellectuals. In fact, it was trendy to have V.D or two, one of the Goncourt brothers rejoiced when he was contracted syphilis... even tho he died from it.
France had a system in place to check and register all the prostitute in Paris, give them medical treatment if they show signs of disease. The system was effective and their citizen's public health dramatically improved compares to the England which had strict moral values set forth by Queen Victoria, and where prostitution was illegal. London still suffered a lot worse because they could not stop prostitutions at all, there are no way to check and detect disease spread by prostitutes who are sick.
One British doctors noticed the differences in two cities. Did actual research on this matter so he can improve the public health of his fellow citizens.
His research was dis missed.
Prostitution was still illegal, hence there were no registration systems.
Prostitution never went away, hence the disease spreading among all ranks.
French, recognized the necessary evil of the prostitution. They just put practical system and go after every prostitute on the streets of Paris. Check their health , gave them medicines, register each of them.
(Oh , there were still casual hookers who are not registered but who would refuse free medical care?)
which culture is more advanced?
the one with moral values?
the one with practical system in place?
In early 19th century of Paris.
They just suffered cholera and three day revolutions.
But there are many young artists and musicians in town. Chopin, Liszt sit at the street cafe with Mendelssohn who was visiting Paris, commenting on stuck up older musician just walking by them... Belrioz was still supporting himself as a editor/music critic for the news paper, Heine, who just came from Germany tried to re invent himself as critic (and black mailing all those artists to correct some *mistakes in his articles*) ...
They also write critical article about each other's works and performances. In fact Berlioz was critical of Liszt, improvising on Beethoven' sonatas where the most of their audience never heard of Beethoven and not aware of those improvisation was all Liszt's rendering and not the original composition. Liszt knew audience was oblivious and he often improvised on other composer's works. Berlioz who knew the works of Beethoven criticized the rendering of one of his performance.
Was that slander? No. It was the fact.
The next concert Berlioz attended, the candles went out by the sudden wind came from open window. Liszt did not stop his performance, played on Beethoven's sonata.
When the last notes died out , no one spoke.
The next article by Berlioz read "it was the most accurate rendition of Beethoven, he would be proud in his grave. I saw one of our friend was weeping in the beauty of the sound."
The honest exchange of critics and opinions.
Liszt and Berlioz was a close friend long after. Berlioz even visited Liszt on tour in Austria, trying to pull him out from duel in tavern... (-.-)
In this day and age, I would think that the concept of Freedom of expression is nothing remarkable.
The exchange of opinion will be welcomed by all sides.
Each opinion will be heard and debated in mature manner.
We can afford to do that, because we don't have to fight cholera breaking out in the middle of our salon.We do not have to look for weapons, in case crashes between whatever the political party decides to stand against whoever.
I would think.
But in virtual world, its a backward society of pre-1879 era.
Critics sent to guillotines or exiled.
Satirical publication burned.
But the history will repeat itself.
Such society will not survive.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion. This blog contains personal and often, very harsh and crude opinion of character who lives inside the virtual world called Second Life™. It may contain highly intelligent topic or adult materials/languages. Use with your own discretion. MY FANTASY IS NOT YOUR REALITY. "Everyone wants the truth but hates me for giving it." You have been warned. © 2006-2012 Frederic Prevost All rights reserved.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Of course, if you have money to burn...
Oh I know many people actually afford to waste/spend lump sum of 300/month/sim... not to mention initial cost of mid 2000$ at least, sometimes 3000$ and up in auctions.
Those who can afford to do that, or enough talent to self feeds the operational cost, my Kudos to you.
For those with enough capital to invest and make it profitable.. well yea, its your money ... I do not care if you wipe that on your ass and flush it.
Let's put the second life in perspective, shall we?
Is your first life in order?
Are you able to keep y our own financial matter in check?
Are you able to feed your children and pay taxes?
Are your children well taken care of?
Are they prepared to learn in your school, everyday, without tardiness, happy and healthy?
If not, Do they get the best support they can get?
You have enough retirement savings taken care of, so that you wouldn't have to rely on your children to feed you when you got old?
Do you contribute to your community you live in as regular volunteer or donate annually to the charity you support?
Anything that has priority taken care of?
Everyone around you, and you are happy?
You still have disposable income a la Engel's law... then you can spend it to buy gas guzzling SUV or spend it on virtual game... whatever.
Me, the amount of money i want to spend in virtual game is about 25$. My store generates the sales to cover the cost of being in the SL, and then some. So I am about per on this numbers.
I can afford to spend probably a lot more easily, however, I have other entertainment I would enjoy in RL, I have addiction to starbucks coffees and green tea lattes, I have Steinway grand that requires constant care, Harley that breaks down every other months etc... and I don't think virtual game is not enough to explore arts and classical music anyways. It is just a matter of priority.
For those who, can't or do not know how to put priority straight, here is one for you.
(Disclaimer: consult your own financial expert . This is just a rant.)
*Save 3months worth of living expenses in cash(meaning checking account/ liquid savings account) for emergency.
*Save 5000$ per each household member of your family every year.(This could be tax free retirement saving if you are eligible worker. Consult your own tax laws of your income brackets.)
*Have spotless credit ratings, so you can have below the best rates if you have to get a loan for new car or mortgages.
*Invest every months in fairly stable long term investment products. (I dont say which one. You jsut have to learn those on your own. or hire financial professionals. Its worth it. if you get to this level.)
*Don't forget life insurance... that enough to supplement after you are retired.
You are not going to die after you turned 70. My Father is 81 and plays golf every day, beats 55 year old former pro golfer, winning in senior tournament... (yea scary, aint it. He is definitely incubus/devil... )
Then you still have several thousands in your checking account that you don't know what to do with?
Contribute to the community arts charity, symphony or opera company, museums, even, to underwrite a concert series. Give 1000 $ to each local schools who are having a hard time funding their arts program.
Buy books for low income area schools.
Buy a sim in SL! (LMAO)
You are all set, there. Good for you.
I have heard Paris Hilton said this "I see myself as role model. I work hard to establish myself."
Errr. yea. I thought that was her grandpa...
For those don"t have a Trust fund your family set up for you... Second life is probably not the first thing you want to put your disposable income in.
Oh of course.
You are all smart enough to know that already.
See you in the virtual land.
Those who can afford to do that, or enough talent to self feeds the operational cost, my Kudos to you.
For those with enough capital to invest and make it profitable.. well yea, its your money ... I do not care if you wipe that on your ass and flush it.
Let's put the second life in perspective, shall we?
Is your first life in order?
Are you able to keep y our own financial matter in check?
Are you able to feed your children and pay taxes?
Are your children well taken care of?
Are they prepared to learn in your school, everyday, without tardiness, happy and healthy?
If not, Do they get the best support they can get?
You have enough retirement savings taken care of, so that you wouldn't have to rely on your children to feed you when you got old?
Do you contribute to your community you live in as regular volunteer or donate annually to the charity you support?
Anything that has priority taken care of?
Everyone around you, and you are happy?
You still have disposable income a la Engel's law... then you can spend it to buy gas guzzling SUV or spend it on virtual game... whatever.
Me, the amount of money i want to spend in virtual game is about 25$. My store generates the sales to cover the cost of being in the SL, and then some. So I am about per on this numbers.
I can afford to spend probably a lot more easily, however, I have other entertainment I would enjoy in RL, I have addiction to starbucks coffees and green tea lattes, I have Steinway grand that requires constant care, Harley that breaks down every other months etc... and I don't think virtual game is not enough to explore arts and classical music anyways. It is just a matter of priority.
For those who, can't or do not know how to put priority straight, here is one for you.
(Disclaimer: consult your own financial expert . This is just a rant.)
*Save 3months worth of living expenses in cash(meaning checking account/ liquid savings account) for emergency.
*Save 5000$ per each household member of your family every year.(This could be tax free retirement saving if you are eligible worker. Consult your own tax laws of your income brackets.)
*Have spotless credit ratings, so you can have below the best rates if you have to get a loan for new car or mortgages.
*Invest every months in fairly stable long term investment products. (I dont say which one. You jsut have to learn those on your own. or hire financial professionals. Its worth it. if you get to this level.)
*Don't forget life insurance... that enough to supplement after you are retired.
You are not going to die after you turned 70. My Father is 81 and plays golf every day, beats 55 year old former pro golfer, winning in senior tournament... (yea scary, aint it. He is definitely incubus/devil... )
Then you still have several thousands in your checking account that you don't know what to do with?
Contribute to the community arts charity, symphony or opera company, museums, even, to underwrite a concert series. Give 1000 $ to each local schools who are having a hard time funding their arts program.
Buy books for low income area schools.
Buy a sim in SL! (LMAO)
You are all set, there. Good for you.
I have heard Paris Hilton said this "I see myself as role model. I work hard to establish myself."
Errr. yea. I thought that was her grandpa...
For those don"t have a Trust fund your family set up for you... Second life is probably not the first thing you want to put your disposable income in.
Oh of course.
You are all smart enough to know that already.
See you in the virtual land.
The Dark side of the third life continues...
Whats with those people who pouring into lump sum of up to 3000US$ with 300$ monthly tier fees wasted to have a little island on virtual land located inside the servers owned by Linden lab, to have RPG land based on some published best sellar books you DID NOT write?
Yes, I have been those RP sims. I am talking about various Gor related sim, Anita Blake vampire sims, various vampire RPG already existed on other venues...
I am not against at all that people go there, spend their leisure time in SL, play few roles of slavers, sex slaves, vampires who feeds on sex and/or violence etc. etc. Play some feuds with human who abhor preternatural creatures... It is all in fun.
It becomes very annoying that those fantasy cross into real life and the other person you are playing the vampires with, started to show the pathological case of Napoleon complex, or *Desperado effects* of omega male: becoming abusive about the fucking fantasy you are playing.
In Gor sim,
"I am Master Soandso, respect me."
"I am Master Disanddat, real life Gorean Master... "
Do you know how hilarious does that sound?
Slave is not stupid. They can still perceive who is respectable and who is not.And the ones who tell others to respect him/her... usually lacks respectablity and ability to get respected in their own right.
For the second one, you must be lost in space, because last time I checked, this is Earth. You are in the wrong planet.(For those unfamilier, Gor is a fictional planet.)
That itself is funny enough, I am not going to list tens of books related to Gor... You can do your own internet surfing and find out about Gor related books.
In Beauty sim,
"I am your Master, I can whip you and when I do, You will cry."
"You can't be arrogant sex slaves. You should choose different role..."
No, I can play whatever I like. I want to play arrogant captured slave prince who used to be a commander of his unit. You just have to outwit me in role play.
And and, Anne Rice never said this books was based in certain existing country, nor time period. It is fuckin fantasy.
Why is your Shakespearian stage background has anything to do with sex slave role play? Keep your Bard of upon-Avon to your RL...
yes, this really happened in RP sim based on Anne Rice's Erotica Fiction The Beauty Series...
In vampire sim namely Darkside,
"I am your Master, Gurdian, Father "
"You can't wear pink. This is Vampire place. Change your attire before I come back."
"I am beautiful, I am strong. I can't change what I am. I am a vampire."
"I do not wish to create rift among you because of who get to be in my bed. "
... and he went on and on and on for about one hour and a 38 minutes typing his ass away, how everyone wants to sleep with his pixel vamp. He said something in effect of "I dont want to split our vampire group because of my " flavor of the month", so to speak" At this point Im is flying around waking up fellow vampires from snoring dose, "Did you hear that? LOL. *Flavor of the months! *giggles* "
Well... what ever you say, chump.
You can be whatever you want to be, but be ORIGINAL! dumb ass...
Create something on your own, not some make-believe based on someone's books. That is not much different from preschoolers on the fenced playground.
As long as you are playing characters created by someone else, you are as fake as you can be.
Do not even threaten to ruin others because you have copyrights. You DO NOT have copyrights of Anita Blake. It is almost as creative as it can get for a fat lie.
Anita Blake is a character created by US Author, Laurell K. Hamilton, and her publisher Penguin Group which contains but not limited to Penguin Group Inc (US), and various other international divisions, and also The Barkley Publishing Group.
To this day, 15 Anita Blake books is on the US market, and the new book is now scheduled to be in books store in a 2008 May.
As such, Ms. Hamilton holds all the copyrights on characters and concepts. She has expressed specifically that none of RPG, fan Fictions of any kind will be granted permissions for the use of her creation.
You have been warned.
Yes, I have been those RP sims. I am talking about various Gor related sim, Anita Blake vampire sims, various vampire RPG already existed on other venues...
I am not against at all that people go there, spend their leisure time in SL, play few roles of slavers, sex slaves, vampires who feeds on sex and/or violence etc. etc. Play some feuds with human who abhor preternatural creatures... It is all in fun.
It becomes very annoying that those fantasy cross into real life and the other person you are playing the vampires with, started to show the pathological case of Napoleon complex, or *Desperado effects* of omega male: becoming abusive about the fucking fantasy you are playing.
In Gor sim,
"I am Master Soandso, respect me."
"I am Master Disanddat, real life Gorean Master... "
Do you know how hilarious does that sound?
Slave is not stupid. They can still perceive who is respectable and who is not.And the ones who tell others to respect him/her... usually lacks respectablity and ability to get respected in their own right.
For the second one, you must be lost in space, because last time I checked, this is Earth. You are in the wrong planet.(For those unfamilier, Gor is a fictional planet.)
That itself is funny enough, I am not going to list tens of books related to Gor... You can do your own internet surfing and find out about Gor related books.
In Beauty sim,
"I am your Master, I can whip you and when I do, You will cry."
"You can't be arrogant sex slaves. You should choose different role..."
No, I can play whatever I like. I want to play arrogant captured slave prince who used to be a commander of his unit. You just have to outwit me in role play.
And and, Anne Rice never said this books was based in certain existing country, nor time period. It is fuckin fantasy.
Why is your Shakespearian stage background has anything to do with sex slave role play? Keep your Bard of upon-Avon to your RL...
yes, this really happened in RP sim based on Anne Rice's Erotica Fiction The Beauty Series...
In vampire sim namely Darkside,
"I am your Master, Gurdian, Father "
"You can't wear pink. This is Vampire place. Change your attire before I come back."
"I am beautiful, I am strong. I can't change what I am. I am a vampire."
"I do not wish to create rift among you because of who get to be in my bed. "
... and he went on and on and on for about one hour and a 38 minutes typing his ass away, how everyone wants to sleep with his pixel vamp. He said something in effect of "I dont want to split our vampire group because of my " flavor of the month", so to speak" At this point Im is flying around waking up fellow vampires from snoring dose, "Did you hear that? LOL. *Flavor of the months! *giggles* "
Well... what ever you say, chump.
You can be whatever you want to be, but be ORIGINAL! dumb ass...
Create something on your own, not some make-believe based on someone's books. That is not much different from preschoolers on the fenced playground.
As long as you are playing characters created by someone else, you are as fake as you can be.
Do not even threaten to ruin others because you have copyrights. You DO NOT have copyrights of Anita Blake. It is almost as creative as it can get for a fat lie.
Anita Blake is a character created by US Author, Laurell K. Hamilton, and her publisher Penguin Group which contains but not limited to Penguin Group Inc (US), and various other international divisions, and also The Barkley Publishing Group.
To this day, 15 Anita Blake books is on the US market, and the new book is now scheduled to be in books store in a 2008 May.
As such, Ms. Hamilton holds all the copyrights on characters and concepts. She has expressed specifically that none of RPG, fan Fictions of any kind will be granted permissions for the use of her creation.
You have been warned.
Friday, March 28, 2008
I thought this was the FUNNIEST!
The girl name DJ , ranting in her my space ...
I never even met this girl, and I have never seen this girl while I was in DS...
Hey she is probably the alt of the Fungus Craven.
There is always one that cant wait to get a hands on the drama , and She is the prime example of *Drama Whore in SL * You are not even in it!
And might I add... only the teenagers rants and fight with highschool clique in myspace, and always the geeks who is not in any clique start shit like this without knowing all the facts. As far as I'm concerned , she obviously doesnt know all the facts, therefore I can not debate with this individual.
Moreover, I do not engage in lunch room fight with little girls... LOL
Let's get one thing straight.
I never even sweat about DS nor SL.
Because unlike these ppl who are obviously *angry about sl*... I have a life outside. But it provides me a little leisurely laugh dealing with these morons, once in a while.
I didn't cry nor protest.
They have a right to do whatever they want. And I have never protested to Ary, who thrown out my shit. I just pointed out the facts that the contract was not between me and Ary, and just given the facts to other renters that it will and may happen. I have not say anything else. So I have no clue why this girl is upset. *pats the head of the girl.
But I will say this.
Mind your own fucking business.
and stay the hell on that side of the ocean, because I'm having a party over here in 27 degrees C sunshine weather!
I never even met this girl, and I have never seen this girl while I was in DS...
Hey she is probably the alt of the Fungus Craven.
There is always one that cant wait to get a hands on the drama , and She is the prime example of *Drama Whore in SL * You are not even in it!
And might I add... only the teenagers rants and fight with highschool clique in myspace, and always the geeks who is not in any clique start shit like this without knowing all the facts. As far as I'm concerned , she obviously doesnt know all the facts, therefore I can not debate with this individual.
Moreover, I do not engage in lunch room fight with little girls... LOL
Let's get one thing straight.
I never even sweat about DS nor SL.
Because unlike these ppl who are obviously *angry about sl*... I have a life outside. But it provides me a little leisurely laugh dealing with these morons, once in a while.
I didn't cry nor protest.
They have a right to do whatever they want. And I have never protested to Ary, who thrown out my shit. I just pointed out the facts that the contract was not between me and Ary, and just given the facts to other renters that it will and may happen. I have not say anything else. So I have no clue why this girl is upset. *pats the head of the girl.
But I will say this.
Mind your own fucking business.
and stay the hell on that side of the ocean, because I'm having a party over here in 27 degrees C sunshine weather!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
So leyla and I were talking....
leyla and I talk almost everyday.
She usually asks first if I get a new notch on my bed post as our greeting.
Maybe I should explain who she is.
leyla Chistensen, i met her at some bachelorette party Back in 2006. She paid me 200L because I was very entertaining with my rp with male stripper. I thought the lag caused her to pay me because she couldn't click the stripper's name tag, she said, no, it was meant for me.
She is one of very few that I would call *possible RL friend to be* . Even though, I have never met none of them nor even spoken with them in RL ever..
She is one of the officer of Transylvania sim.
I am the one, estate banned from Transylvania, for almost a year, and probably forever.
(laughs. I'm dangerous. I told you.)
Aren't we enemies? No.
Why do we talk to each other?
Because we both are capable of handling the honest truth.
We both trust each other not to give *what we want to hear* .
She calls us *chess players, who are always thinking 5 moves ahead*.
We understand the language.
It is so rare to find such people even in SL.
2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: so is that like a "special" notch?
[2008/03/26 22:48] Frederic Prevost: LOL
[2008/03/26 22:48] Frederic Prevost: LMAO
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: i mean you fucked em but
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: ya didnt fuck em
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: but ya fucked em
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: :-P
[2008/03/26 22:48] Frederic Prevost: EXACTLY
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-NNNNNNN
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: notch.
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: bitches.
[2008/03/26 22:48] Frederic Prevost: i think so.
[2008/03/26 22:49] Frederic Prevost: i be da shit yo
[2008/03/26 22:49] leyla Christensen: for real
[2008/03/26 22:49] leyla Christensen: knaamean?
[2008/03/26 22:49] Frederic Prevost: aight, aight its like dis yo
[2008/03/26 22:49] leyla Christensen: lmaooo
She said, "You are going to hell. "
I know. *Evil laugh*
She usually asks first if I get a new notch on my bed post as our greeting.
Maybe I should explain who she is.
leyla Chistensen, i met her at some bachelorette party Back in 2006. She paid me 200L because I was very entertaining with my rp with male stripper. I thought the lag caused her to pay me because she couldn't click the stripper's name tag, she said, no, it was meant for me.
She is one of very few that I would call *possible RL friend to be* . Even though, I have never met none of them nor even spoken with them in RL ever..
She is one of the officer of Transylvania sim.
I am the one, estate banned from Transylvania, for almost a year, and probably forever.
(laughs. I'm dangerous. I told you.)
Aren't we enemies? No.
Why do we talk to each other?
Because we both are capable of handling the honest truth.
We both trust each other not to give *what we want to hear* .
She calls us *chess players, who are always thinking 5 moves ahead*.
We understand the language.
It is so rare to find such people even in SL.
2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: so is that like a "special" notch?
[2008/03/26 22:48] Frederic Prevost: LOL
[2008/03/26 22:48] Frederic Prevost: LMAO
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: i mean you fucked em but
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: ya didnt fuck em
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: but ya fucked em
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: :-P
[2008/03/26 22:48] Frederic Prevost: EXACTLY
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-NNNNNNN
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: notch.
[2008/03/26 22:48] leyla Christensen: bitches.
[2008/03/26 22:48] Frederic Prevost: i think so.
[2008/03/26 22:49] Frederic Prevost: i be da shit yo
[2008/03/26 22:49] leyla Christensen: for real
[2008/03/26 22:49] leyla Christensen: knaamean?
[2008/03/26 22:49] Frederic Prevost: aight, aight its like dis yo
[2008/03/26 22:49] leyla Christensen: lmaooo
She said, "You are going to hell. "
I know. *Evil laugh*
Dangerous art? The dark side of the third life

I love this country! I love USA.
We have *Freedom of speech* *Freedom of expression*. PPl on the otherside of the ocean, tend to forget because they still live in the countries where they are subject of Her Majesty. Is that why they have this *I'm the strong King* complex in third life of their SL?
I want to take the readers to the dark side of the third life in Second Life.
How this come to be?
My art was judged *Too Dangerous for the vampire's eyes* and all thrown out from the certain vampire RPG sim, Darkside in Second Life.
(By the way, I don't think they have a written permission of Publisher and the owner of the IP/author to use *Anita Blake* name. It would be a violation of TOS in SL as well. Ms. Laurell K. Hamilton has expressed in her website that there are no RPG based on her creation will ever be granted permission. Side note, she was notified of this fact by few Second Life resident, so the publishers can investigate and file DMCA and other legal actions.)
Oh , they didn't say it but that would be the only reason. The vampires as narrow-minded little human as they are in RL... sad. You can't even hide from your meager existence of your RL- if there is such a thing, in SL's third life.)
They are so afraid of being reported of abusive behavior,discrimination and harrasment, they just used their little brown nosers to "politely return my object".
I did not fight. Of course not. As far as SL goes, that is done.
The owners don't even have a balls to come to me and "I don't want to let you leave your art exhibition because etc."
The little manager even asked me to leave the group, so that * will save her from ejecting me from the group.*
That, I politely refused, stating "It's not my job, hun. "
She told me to note that the prorated rent was refunded. (IS she implying that i should be thankful because I got 100L back?)
I notified the vendor group that my contract was terminated abruptly without explanation.
One person, I have to note that angrily, IM me that the girl had right to return my object. The reason is my vendor was "slandering the sim" .
This is the fringe benefit, when you are trying to write satire about third life to a tabloid paper. Someone always stick their nose and reveals exactly why I'm writing this. Makes my job easier.
Ah, the dumb ass who can't even debate in their own native language....
I never even met that person.
It never ceases to amaze me that there is a person always walk in after the battle is over and claim she was in it? Drama whore that has to stick her nose in every controversy even she was not even the sim the whole time??? Pitiful *snort-laugh "You are NOT IN IT!" *then press mute button -thank god for the self governance tool.
The brown nosers should keep their noses where it belongs.
1.Why would she think I'm slandering?
To answer that, she has to admit what I said it in my art is in fact the truth. Oh that would be painful for them to do, I would suppose.
That is why the owners refrained from debating the contents.
They can't admit that they had a different opinions about my art. But they are afraid to debate the subject and contents.
In the comedy, always the one willing to admit it unknowingly in front of enemy, despite the efforts of their allied subject to conceal the weakness...
It's not slander.
For I have never said anything bad about them.
All the pictures are basically snap of myself or myself with friends from the past and present.
Note that there are not one person from this sim is in the picture.
None of the rules, regulations and laws were violated, SL or RL. (I'm not that sloppy.)
It is called *Satire*, and has been used to express the distaste for the government/policies (or lack thereof) for centuries, because the freedom of speech was not possible. They lose their head.
Now, in the 21st century of virtual land, WHY the hell would I have to use satire ?
Because the owners has this *I'm the powerful King with gorgeous thread* complex even though this person is exactly *naked King* that surrounds his/herself by the ppl only say things he want them to say. (Ah, lost cause of cautionary tale? )
The dark side of third life.
One person who has little money to waste on virtual land that rarely runs as it was intended. Obviously they have little or no life that is why they spend so much time in this imperfect world.:
Whole bunch of others who can't afford a kingdom of their own, or too weak to stand on their own:
The king benefits from their lack of self esteem fulfilled, by just keeping yesmens around and ban everyone who speak up /stand fro themselves.
The retention rate is so low. The faces of the members of the group changes so frequently, and to the benefit of the king, the younger member does not know why there are not too many older members around.
The fact: Good people with head on their shoulders who are trying to contribute are usually banned or realized the effort is not worth the experiences. Some members avoid contact with owner altogether because they know the reputation.
(The exhibition was triggered because the owner removed one whole group who were actively contributing to the sim's RP. And as far as I can see it was the most solid organization inside the sim, till the king went mad and banned the leader, and subsequent ban of other member the king intended to make the leader, who refused the offer. The king cant take the refuse very well... As a result, it caused mass exodus of good rper who spend a lot of time rping in that sim. The most are mature adult just wants to have fun. Who would want to kiss ass just to stay there and play? There are millions of sims that we can rp. So they did on the same afternoon.)
2. They can't admit that they know where the picture was taken.
That would be a hanging offense!
How would you know it is , *GOD FORBID* Transylvania?
Ah,, the dark side of the third life!
You don't even have freedom to visit different sim.
Ah, The dark side of the third life!
Darkside members are prohibited to go to Transylvania, and Transylvania members are prohibited to join Darkside.
I know that few members were banned from Darkside because they didn't know *THE LAW*. And Transylvania sometimes send alt account of their officers to patrol around their rival sim, mostly to find their own members who are violating *Their Code of Conduct*.
Isn't that funny?
We be da shit,yo. knaamean?
3.It's not offensive/sexual contents.
The most risque image is the one I'm wearing pink undies and pink boots.
In this day and age, the picture can be in the prime time TV show or even cartoon for children. (I saw Patric Star of Spongebob wearing black fishnets and boots...)
So the pink is so scandalous for vampire's eyes to handle? *rolls eyes
Yes, Pink outfit is prohibited in darkside sim...
I know. I'm going to hell, right?
I committed a mortal sin!!!
Exhibited The picture of myself wearing pink outfit in vampire sim!
The darker side of third life!
Two words for ya
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Transylvania Art Exhibition at Darkside
Well, doesn't that describe it all?
Transylvania and Darkside has looooong history of, and bluntly put, quite childish and ridiculous squabbles for years. As a matter of fact, the history is longer than the existences of both in SL...
The owners, knew each other outside SL. They had fight about who has bigger balls. One moves to SL, then another moves here, too. They prohibited each of their members to visit another. In short, there can't be two gods!
(Lemme go get my coffee... )
Each art were taken in Transylvania, or their related events.
But the titles of each art is ... paraphrased version of famous speeches by Darkside 's owner.
Oh its not quoted. It was changed and unrecognizable to the eyes of outsiders, yet, if you read all of the title in series, Daksiders will sure to see what is going on.
This is exactly *satire* I warn everyone about myself.
Nothing of TOS, Community Standards, personal rights were violated. Every image are of my own. (mostly myself)
Since the contents of exhibition/display is on sale on rented space anyone can purchase it for 10L!
Transylvania and Darkside has looooong history of, and bluntly put, quite childish and ridiculous squabbles for years. As a matter of fact, the history is longer than the existences of both in SL...
The owners, knew each other outside SL. They had fight about who has bigger balls. One moves to SL, then another moves here, too. They prohibited each of their members to visit another. In short, there can't be two gods!
(Lemme go get my coffee... )
Each art were taken in Transylvania, or their related events.
But the titles of each art is ... paraphrased version of famous speeches by Darkside 's owner.
Oh its not quoted. It was changed and unrecognizable to the eyes of outsiders, yet, if you read all of the title in series, Daksiders will sure to see what is going on.
This is exactly *satire* I warn everyone about myself.
Nothing of TOS, Community Standards, personal rights were violated. Every image are of my own. (mostly myself)
Since the contents of exhibition/display is on sale on rented space anyone can purchase it for 10L!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Annoying SL daily failure-Sexy friend on a dance pole
Yesterday, I was virtually incapacitated the most of the day due to the failure of SL basic operations. Group IM not working, Contact list not loading , random inventory operation failure... on and on.. Of course this is further agonized by random disconnection added recently to SL 's Long list of daily (and random meaning hard to reproduce but happens so frequently to the point of put off and log off for the day.)
Even though, I reinstalled same current version last week, I had to resort to that in short of leaving SL's pathetic support ticket.
At least after the reinstall, the contact list was loaded... just that some IM were not reaching to the intended destination so it seemed... great.
so at the evening, I was ready to turn off SL... then I see the name I have not seen for awhile popped up in the list...
"I havent seen you for awhile... i hope you are doing fine..."
.. turned out, she was on a dance pole almost naked with my prescribed outfit consisting of Black boots and a hat.
Standing in front of a little circular stage with dance pole in the center, the sinewy figure wrapped around the cold metal pole...
She recognized me as vampire, which surprised me a little, for I never discussed nor met her in obvious occasion where vampires aplenty.
I wasnt really paying attentions to the several groups of completely naked she-males scattered around the lounge and carpet... come to think of it, I was the only fully clothed figure in the whole lounge.
Okay, i have to tell you that her body was already covered with blood and unmistakable male emission (err... she -male? I didn't ask.), that awaken my predatory nature, even in incubus.
Young vampire could have been feasted on her, drained her and killed her on the spot, but I didn't. Leaning in slowly, not to alarm the prey, licked her bloody stained leg from ankle to her thigh, ignoring the anticipation of the whole lounge who watched us, pulling my self up , my gaze fixed only on my prey.
Danse macabre has just started...
Even though, I reinstalled same current version last week, I had to resort to that in short of leaving SL's pathetic support ticket.
At least after the reinstall, the contact list was loaded... just that some IM were not reaching to the intended destination so it seemed... great.
so at the evening, I was ready to turn off SL... then I see the name I have not seen for awhile popped up in the list...
"I havent seen you for awhile... i hope you are doing fine..."
.. turned out, she was on a dance pole almost naked with my prescribed outfit consisting of Black boots and a hat.
Standing in front of a little circular stage with dance pole in the center, the sinewy figure wrapped around the cold metal pole...
She recognized me as vampire, which surprised me a little, for I never discussed nor met her in obvious occasion where vampires aplenty.
I wasnt really paying attentions to the several groups of completely naked she-males scattered around the lounge and carpet... come to think of it, I was the only fully clothed figure in the whole lounge.
Okay, i have to tell you that her body was already covered with blood and unmistakable male emission (err... she -male? I didn't ask.), that awaken my predatory nature, even in incubus.
Young vampire could have been feasted on her, drained her and killed her on the spot, but I didn't. Leaning in slowly, not to alarm the prey, licked her bloody stained leg from ankle to her thigh, ignoring the anticipation of the whole lounge who watched us, pulling my self up , my gaze fixed only on my prey.
Danse macabre has just started...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Vampires with low self esteem personal issues
Here we go again. I am almost dying from laughter this time. SL is an interesting place. Your personal issues, weaknesses, personality faults, So on and so forth, any problem that you are having which you can escape from.
IT becomes problems when those people wants to be someone that they could never become in their real life.
TO others, they are immature, childish, judgemental, biased, vain, jealous.
Oh I am not saying I am without faults, but I am respectful and treat other adults as such.
Its just sad that some of them are very talented in areas on content creation, but not at all at *people Skills.*
In fact they SUCK at it. (And yes, again, PUN INTENDED.They call themselves vampires. )
SO I am still laughing after several hours.
This person we call him Fangs C.
He made us listen to him go on and on and on about how Everyone in his sim wanting to get in his pants, and he fears that jealous creates the rift between the group member.
(*rolling eyes and IM flying at this point)
Couple of members that expressed, that could not be an issue, because not EVERYONE is wishing to be intimate with him.
Ugh, *He is beautiful, powerful and he is a Vampire.*
OOOHKAY." I am not aruguing with you. but hey, don't tell me to laugh at you."
He has this little world inside Linden Lab's clusters of servers namely Second Life.
Too bad he can NOT have * A real Life*
And yes, again PUN INTENDED.
(They are dead. ... ... )
You know why am I laughing?
Because that vampire doesn't have *LIFE*!
Hey I have everything on this side of the screen. Family that I would die for, and Mark my word, I would kill for. Probably he will never have that outside of his little pixel world.
He insists that his family is loyal... err the ones that wants to get in his pants?
hey he will be happy I will be happy, so it is good at the end of the day.
The words of the day.
Flavor of the month
IT becomes problems when those people wants to be someone that they could never become in their real life.
TO others, they are immature, childish, judgemental, biased, vain, jealous.
Oh I am not saying I am without faults, but I am respectful and treat other adults as such.
Its just sad that some of them are very talented in areas on content creation, but not at all at *people Skills.*
In fact they SUCK at it. (And yes, again, PUN INTENDED.They call themselves vampires. )
SO I am still laughing after several hours.
This person we call him Fangs C.
He made us listen to him go on and on and on about how Everyone in his sim wanting to get in his pants, and he fears that jealous creates the rift between the group member.
(*rolling eyes and IM flying at this point)
Couple of members that expressed, that could not be an issue, because not EVERYONE is wishing to be intimate with him.
Ugh, *He is beautiful, powerful and he is a Vampire.*
OOOHKAY." I am not aruguing with you. but hey, don't tell me to laugh at you."
He has this little world inside Linden Lab's clusters of servers namely Second Life.
Too bad he can NOT have * A real Life*
And yes, again PUN INTENDED.
(They are dead. ... ... )
You know why am I laughing?
Because that vampire doesn't have *LIFE*!
Hey I have everything on this side of the screen. Family that I would die for, and Mark my word, I would kill for. Probably he will never have that outside of his little pixel world.
He insists that his family is loyal... err the ones that wants to get in his pants?
hey he will be happy I will be happy, so it is good at the end of the day.
The words of the day.
Flavor of the month
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