Friday, June 20, 2008

faith and fidelity

Come on now...

I have seen just too many weak minded sheep out there, passing *holier than thou* judgement on others in pixel realms. I am SICK and TIRED of those whining.

"It is cheating, if you have spouse or significant other in RL."

IS IT, really now????
It's a game.
My seven year old kills other human mercilessly in his game, oh he is good at it. But its okay, right? Because they are all bad guys. They are nazis and terrorists.

The kid has better grasp of fantasy and reality than those dumb *adults* playing in this pixel realms. I tell you again. IT IS A FANTASY. IT IS NOT REAL!

Back to the damn question.
First off. It is none of your fucking business. Mind your own.
Second, who cares what you think. If you are so just and right, what does it matter that someone you do not even know does what in cartoon world? Grow the fuck up.

That has been laid out... I have my own observation to tell you.

Those seemingly vanilla ppl are unable to stand on their own. You HAVE TO belong in the majority. Therefore, the stupid, unscientific survey on chat/forum, asking stupid question "Do you think its cheating?"
And those alike, responds in similar manner "It is cheating. " ... LMAO so they feel like they are not alone, because *EVERYONE* says you are right that it is cheating...

The fact is that, those people just need other's assurance.
Their existence is depend upon other's approval.

Do you know why?
Because they have no convictions of their own.
They have nothing to be faithful to, there is no ideals of their own to prove their fidelity.

Otherwise, they would be shut up and stick to their own beliefs, wouldn't they?

See? I have been faithful to my own ideal and having steadfast fidelity to my own beliefs.
I have never force anyone to agree to my own opinions. Because ...

I could fucking careless, if anyone agree with me or not.

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