Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tainted Blood and Potent Poison

Yummy looking fred?
Keep your hands off, for your own sake. Vampires. I'm tainted.

After two days of intense creative process, (I wouldnt say work) I felt like go for hair shopping. Partly, to find new hair style that matches new hat that I just created.

After few store, I arrived at Gurl6. One of my regular stop. Despite the fact that this place carries million of chick's hair, I also find good long hair for my avatar.

So, I arrived at the entrance, waiting to rez as usual... which takes forever.

That is when I got hit with "This person wants to give you vampire bite, you will get free vampire bitemarks. click yes to accept." etc etc.
I was trying to find out if it was mistake or something I clicked, but I got hit by same offer in few seconds later.

Apparently, it was not a mistake, but some girl hitting me with vamp bite animation.

I was slightly annoyed but had witty comeback so I declined animation menu and hit her with IM.

"You would not know where I have been. You dont know how much my blood is tainted."
I guess that settled that. The girl didnt even respond and poofed.

So you would think, this is just rare occurrences. But NOoooo.

Not even a minute after, I got hit by exactly the same animation menu, only by different girl.
So this time I said it in public chat.
"What's with vampire bite today?"

"I guess we are all hungry today, Sorry to bother you."

Damn right.

I remind you this is in Gurl 6, not in some vamp rp sim.

They should be embarrassed enough not to do that again in random public.
I may be looking yummy enough but my blood is tainted and my words are much more potent poison than my tainted blood. I don't think some novice vamp can handle it.


  1. They can feed from your lifeblood but they can never have the stomach to digest your taintedness ;)
