Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ah, but they are not newbs...

**(link added7/10) I would have paste the link to the *Newly created blog* of one of those alt in here, but that would give them free traffic, so that is not gonna happen. Needless to say, it contains useless info and based on fake personality which could be deleted and manipulated at any time, and no one would claim responsibility. LOL But, I find it really funny that I was told this particular alt was known to pop in to Trans. As I said *pathetic* in this blog entry, this alt just proved it for me. Pathetic life of Alt Anon. ***

ugh... I don't give stuff to newbs anymore because they are rarely new.

So this is related to the previous post.

I can understand that you may have few alts for good reasons. That's fine with me. It is nothing new.

But you start to think who is using alt to sneak into the very sim you are banned "Because you don't like the policy" is quite amusing to watch.

Yeah. you pretend to be a tough guy, and "I don't need anyone. No one can tell me what to do, and if you do, I swear off the place who dissed me."
But then, made yet another umpteenth new alt and go visit the sim you don't like. What happen to the club you are operating/DJing?
Oh I forgot, it went out of business!
So there you are.
Going back to Trans. That is so old.


That is so lame.

That makes me think of stray cats who cannot re enter the civilized society, yet had to rely on the scraps of slums, and the shelter of abandoned buildings. They lacks resource and wits.

They never learn, so every new alts and every new place they supposed to be re-inventing, would failed in a same pattern as it was before. They will never succeed to re-invent the better version of themselves. (Yes, that is how much they do not know themselves. And I am not talking about teenagers. They are grown adults over the age of 35... Come on now. Know yourselves.) So the true colors come out sooner or later. (The excuse? "Oh this is how I roll. " LOL)

At the end, YOUR character is what counts the most.
Not the new name nor new outfits supplied by unsuspecting public who thought to get you started, when in fact, the newb they are giving the money and outfits have main accounts that are older than them...

just pathetic...

(But it would be something to amuse about for another 2 months or so? As far as I know, those ppl are on 2 months cycle. New alts, join the new place, had a drama or two and be banned.
I swear it only takes about 2months, 3, tops.
Mark my words on it.)


  1. LOLwhut? I've been out of the loop since Killian came to stay with me this summer *happy sigh*. So, what's the poop? Someone's sim got closed? Club shut down? All the good role players were run off and the bad ones had no reason to stay? Dang. Miss a month and you miss a melodrahma.

  2. I know, huh...

    But I have to admit that those drama whores are source of amusement I tell ya... And I havenot seen them lately...
