Just because you are talked about in public, that does not mean you are important person, nor you are respected.
I know this is so obvious to anyone with average intelligence, but in this you tube/blog/internet/reality Tv age, many started to misunderstand this *quasi 15 min of fame* as respect or in some case, mistaken for some self importance.
Yea just because Paris or Hulk will be on TV or people's blog, doesn't mean they are respected.
Just because I write about my observation of some losers in here, it does not change they are losers. Just because I talk about some general observation does not change some stupid person suddenly gain intelligence and/or interesting, creative mind.
Hey, I never said I am important. You reading my blog does not make me important, nor make you important.
The fact is that you can't live without reading my blog, does not dumb me down.
The fact is that I am the one writing it, not you.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion. This blog contains personal and often, very harsh and crude opinion of character who lives inside the virtual world called Second Life™. It may contain highly intelligent topic or adult materials/languages. Use with your own discretion. MY FANTASY IS NOT YOUR REALITY. "Everyone wants the truth but hates me for giving it." You have been warned. © 2006-2012 Frederic Prevost All rights reserved.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Everyone but oneself is at fault... the victim psyche.
This kind of psychiatric display just gets to me even since I was a child.
The early memory probably I was 3 or 4 years old, and there are lots of children around me who cries to get out of everything. Because once the little child cries, all the adults think s/he needs to be protected and comforted, without investigating the cause.
And I hated that my friends just cries about everything and basically the fun stops there, because their parents take them away.
I was way above my age of understandings and logics of things, and at the same time I was not aware that all other kids do not develop as fast as I am. So, to me, I could not understand why these kids maybe sometimes year or two older than I am cries about something stupid.
Then, I started to dislike that behavior, because those children get out of everything by becoming victim of every fucking single circumstances.
Oh they didnt need to explain. Adults never expected them to, because they are only children.
When I was angry, I had strong reasons. I had a good logic to explain clearly my displeasure. I was able to explain what causes the chain of events and chain of action and reaction, and what displeased me in articulate words.(I am sure for a 4 year old..)
So, I was repelled from all those girls that cries at school, just because they can't do simple thing, or someone said something *mean.
I hated those passive offensive people. They do not explain what was wrong, nor admit the wrongs they did. In stead , they just cried and becoming or play victims.
I had friends like that in elementary school, middle school, in highschool.
Was that only because the child didnt have maturity to cope?
I hoped so, but it was not.
There are people like that when I was 19, 23, 26,31 ....
And there are still people like that. And I am fucking 44 years old.
There are 35, 46,49,53, on and on....
They never learned to look at themselves and what is *wrong with themselves*. So everything gone wrong in their life are everyone else's fault but theirs.
They are on welfare. They never able to keep stable relationship. The children are delinquent. They got fat. They are on meds. They spend money they don't have.
It is the other one's fault when you are single parent.
It is everyone's fault, when you can't keep a stable relationship.
It is everyone's fault, when you can't find jobs.
You know what I think?
I think they deserve that life.
Oh I know what they going to say.
It must be my fault that they are psycho.
The early memory probably I was 3 or 4 years old, and there are lots of children around me who cries to get out of everything. Because once the little child cries, all the adults think s/he needs to be protected and comforted, without investigating the cause.
And I hated that my friends just cries about everything and basically the fun stops there, because their parents take them away.
I was way above my age of understandings and logics of things, and at the same time I was not aware that all other kids do not develop as fast as I am. So, to me, I could not understand why these kids maybe sometimes year or two older than I am cries about something stupid.
Then, I started to dislike that behavior, because those children get out of everything by becoming victim of every fucking single circumstances.
Oh they didnt need to explain. Adults never expected them to, because they are only children.
When I was angry, I had strong reasons. I had a good logic to explain clearly my displeasure. I was able to explain what causes the chain of events and chain of action and reaction, and what displeased me in articulate words.(I am sure for a 4 year old..)
So, I was repelled from all those girls that cries at school, just because they can't do simple thing, or someone said something *mean.
I hated those passive offensive people. They do not explain what was wrong, nor admit the wrongs they did. In stead , they just cried and becoming or play victims.
I had friends like that in elementary school, middle school, in highschool.
Was that only because the child didnt have maturity to cope?
I hoped so, but it was not.
There are people like that when I was 19, 23, 26,31 ....
And there are still people like that. And I am fucking 44 years old.
There are 35, 46,49,53, on and on....
They never learned to look at themselves and what is *wrong with themselves*. So everything gone wrong in their life are everyone else's fault but theirs.
They are on welfare. They never able to keep stable relationship. The children are delinquent. They got fat. They are on meds. They spend money they don't have.
It is the other one's fault when you are single parent.
It is everyone's fault, when you can't keep a stable relationship.
It is everyone's fault, when you can't find jobs.
You know what I think?
I think they deserve that life.
Oh I know what they going to say.
It must be my fault that they are psycho.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I was busy yesterday, and by the 6pm, my brain was unable to process the info took in. I was staring at the TV channel 100(which shows 3 minutes loop previews of current movies over and over) for a while, not knowing what you were supposed to do. (Usually change the channel to whatever you want to watch.)
The similar symptoms continues while I'm online. I am reading article on some current topics on some news page, which I am sure, I meant to check on some particular article. Yet, I was just staring at the page presented and could not comprehend what it was said nor what I meant to do with that website.
I was able to get out from the bed around 7:25 am, but again, I sat on the couch for a few hours. "Oh. I know. I have to make some coffee... "
I made coffee, had about 3 cups... then I heard garbage track driving around.
"Meh... it can't be Friday..."
And so it is.
I was busy yesterday, and by the 6pm, my brain was unable to process the info took in. I was staring at the TV channel 100(which shows 3 minutes loop previews of current movies over and over) for a while, not knowing what you were supposed to do. (Usually change the channel to whatever you want to watch.)
The similar symptoms continues while I'm online. I am reading article on some current topics on some news page, which I am sure, I meant to check on some particular article. Yet, I was just staring at the page presented and could not comprehend what it was said nor what I meant to do with that website.
I was able to get out from the bed around 7:25 am, but again, I sat on the couch for a few hours. "Oh. I know. I have to make some coffee... "
I made coffee, had about 3 cups... then I heard garbage track driving around.
"Meh... it can't be Friday..."
And so it is.
Thursday, July 24, 2008

We were working on the sets of poses out of our own sheer OCD tendency...
She made these poses from scratch.
There are whole bunch of poses design to bound women, but rarely designed to fit male. It is not about equal opportunity. Simply, the thought of stronger male put female who are submissive to begin with, in binding, is simply becoming a turn off.
Strong alpha male, putting submissive weak female, is nothing out of the ordinary. It is boring. It is just too easy.
You know how twisted and how jaded I am.
**so after 4-5 hours of kneeling, we were satisfied with the scene results, tentatively, I have to say.
You have to understand that the male in this scene is not a willing slave. He fought, till he was the only one left standing, or left alive. He was bound, dragged down to the dark dungeon where the rotted corpse of victims strewn, smell of dried blood and human hide mingled with musty, humid air.
At the foot of the stone throne, he saw the skulls of former warrior like him, probably had the same fate as he was, surviving the killing field, only to be killed slowly after the one last pleasure was given...
Creating something out of our own imagination is very satisfying.
(Yea after several hours of fiddling creative juice, my brain shuts down all of a sudden while rping... >.> )
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I learned few things about those altaholics and...
But I'm not tellin'... (don't you love the suspension?)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"Is that about me?" "NO! What makes you think its you?"
message after message...
"Was that about me? "
" NO."
"Because i didnt do this or dat. For your info. "
"I told you, its not about you. We didn't even have relationship!"
"You know, i have never done this and dat..."
"Damn it! I SAID, I was not writing about you!"
Yea, I know... psycho chicks/dudes are everywhere.
Really *SAD* people out there more than you think...
Then, I was told by my old friend that he, too, experienced the same thing in he past.
Every time he post something emotional or cryptic essays about relationship, there are whole bunch of girls asking him if the entry is about them... lol
... talk about self-centered and/or paranoid...
"Was that about me? "
" NO."
"Because i didnt do this or dat. For your info. "
"I told you, its not about you. We didn't even have relationship!"
"You know, i have never done this and dat..."
"Damn it! I SAID, I was not writing about you!"
Yea, I know... psycho chicks/dudes are everywhere.
Really *SAD* people out there more than you think...
Then, I was told by my old friend that he, too, experienced the same thing in he past.
Every time he post something emotional or cryptic essays about relationship, there are whole bunch of girls asking him if the entry is about them... lol
... talk about self-centered and/or paranoid...
I know you are entitled to my opinions but...
It always amuses me that those dumbasses thinks they are so important , I am posting or talking about them... what the.. LOL
So, after ley told me about yet another drama in certain sim, one of them asked her if she would talk about them in her show... we are like
"*snorts... how presumptuous of them... "
"I know , right?"
I repeat.
No. (For all I care, I don't know that installment of the episode, and I am still banned from that sim, mind you.)
I know my opinion is important to you, but just because all those post about stupid idiots fits your own pathological case, doesn't mean I am talking about you.
Let me put it this way, so your bloated brain can understand.
Stupidity, in general, can be worth the post.
Stupid individuals are not.
So, after ley told me about yet another drama in certain sim, one of them asked her if she would talk about them in her show... we are like
"*snorts... how presumptuous of them... "
"I know , right?"
I repeat.
No. (For all I care, I don't know that installment of the episode, and I am still banned from that sim, mind you.)
I know my opinion is important to you, but just because all those post about stupid idiots fits your own pathological case, doesn't mean I am talking about you.
Let me put it this way, so your bloated brain can understand.
Stupidity, in general, can be worth the post.
Stupid individuals are not.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
So the narcissistic pose...
lazy afternoon

Suffering an eternal state of ennui, Akh and I decided to fiddles with poses and pictures.
We are VAIN. *laughs
Our conversations included but not limited to the books by Anne Rice and few others, aesthetics about most anything, and then to how some of our idle activity can be a source of income... In short, no purpose whatsoever.
I took more than one pictures, but I didn't have time for more than this tentative design above. By accident, I found the way to emulate back light and I am somewhat pleased with the results. Great looking pose, which we got lucky how flexi prim hair didn't cut in our body in unnatural way.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Ah, but they are not newbs...
**(link added7/10) I would have paste the link to the *Newly created blog* of one of those alt in here, but that would give them free traffic, so that is not gonna happen. Needless to say, it contains useless info and based on fake personality which could be deleted and manipulated at any time, and no one would claim responsibility. LOL But, I find it really funny that I was told this particular alt was known to pop in to Trans. As I said *pathetic* in this blog entry, this alt just proved it for me. Pathetic life of Alt Anon. ***
ugh... I don't give stuff to newbs anymore because they are rarely new.
So this is related to the previous post.
I can understand that you may have few alts for good reasons. That's fine with me. It is nothing new.
But you start to think who is using alt to sneak into the very sim you are banned "Because you don't like the policy" is quite amusing to watch.
Yeah. you pretend to be a tough guy, and "I don't need anyone. No one can tell me what to do, and if you do, I swear off the place who dissed me."
But then, made yet another umpteenth new alt and go visit the sim you don't like. What happen to the club you are operating/DJing?
Oh I forgot, it went out of business!
So there you are.
Going back to Trans. That is so old.
That is so lame.
That makes me think of stray cats who cannot re enter the civilized society, yet had to rely on the scraps of slums, and the shelter of abandoned buildings. They lacks resource and wits.
They never learn, so every new alts and every new place they supposed to be re-inventing, would failed in a same pattern as it was before. They will never succeed to re-invent the better version of themselves. (Yes, that is how much they do not know themselves. And I am not talking about teenagers. They are grown adults over the age of 35... Come on now. Know yourselves.) So the true colors come out sooner or later. (The excuse? "Oh this is how I roll. " LOL)
At the end, YOUR character is what counts the most.
Not the new name nor new outfits supplied by unsuspecting public who thought to get you started, when in fact, the newb they are giving the money and outfits have main accounts that are older than them...
just pathetic...
(But it would be something to amuse about for another 2 months or so? As far as I know, those ppl are on 2 months cycle. New alts, join the new place, had a drama or two and be banned.
I swear it only takes about 2months, 3, tops.
Mark my words on it.)
ugh... I don't give stuff to newbs anymore because they are rarely new.
So this is related to the previous post.
I can understand that you may have few alts for good reasons. That's fine with me. It is nothing new.
But you start to think who is using alt to sneak into the very sim you are banned "Because you don't like the policy" is quite amusing to watch.
Yeah. you pretend to be a tough guy, and "I don't need anyone. No one can tell me what to do, and if you do, I swear off the place who dissed me."
But then, made yet another umpteenth new alt and go visit the sim you don't like. What happen to the club you are operating/DJing?
Oh I forgot, it went out of business!
So there you are.
Going back to Trans. That is so old.
That is so lame.
That makes me think of stray cats who cannot re enter the civilized society, yet had to rely on the scraps of slums, and the shelter of abandoned buildings. They lacks resource and wits.
They never learn, so every new alts and every new place they supposed to be re-inventing, would failed in a same pattern as it was before. They will never succeed to re-invent the better version of themselves. (Yes, that is how much they do not know themselves. And I am not talking about teenagers. They are grown adults over the age of 35... Come on now. Know yourselves.) So the true colors come out sooner or later. (The excuse? "Oh this is how I roll. " LOL)
At the end, YOUR character is what counts the most.
Not the new name nor new outfits supplied by unsuspecting public who thought to get you started, when in fact, the newb they are giving the money and outfits have main accounts that are older than them...
just pathetic...
(But it would be something to amuse about for another 2 months or so? As far as I know, those ppl are on 2 months cycle. New alts, join the new place, had a drama or two and be banned.
I swear it only takes about 2months, 3, tops.
Mark my words on it.)
Where are YOU now?
I told you, you would never be my enemy.
For those who incapable of come to me and debate with me. Where are you now?
You just give me those triumphant moment, when your store, or club, or sim quietly closed, advertisement withdrawn, parcel listing vanished, your profile cleaned, announcing in your prof that you will be hiding with your numerous alt or taking a break(usually means the same thing. hiding in alt) whatever. I have this itch and tingly sensation all over.
yet, as if the dogs cant stop balking even they tucked their tail and ran, leaving "I'm the scary big dog, don't mess with me or I destroy you" in your profile picks.
Hahahahaha. You must be forgotten to remove it.
You have been weighed
You have been measured
And... you know the rest.
Frederic Prevost does not have baggage nor the need to create/re-invent the new character, nor the need for fresh start because the past you just cant live with...
I am always me, and I have no skeleton in my closet.
I do not need to hide my past nor need to erase nor take back what I said or done.
I am not without faults, as I often said, however, I am proud to build my life on every single moment of my experience and start over with obscure character is not an option.
My store brand has grown and producing a lot of pure profits daily. If the business owner would be in and out of hiding, who would take that as a serious endeavor?
*I* am always here.
I can balance my outrageous incubus's life in pixel realms and never lose my footings and grasp or reality.
For those incapable,
Shut up
No one will miss you.
For those who incapable of come to me and debate with me. Where are you now?
You just give me those triumphant moment, when your store, or club, or sim quietly closed, advertisement withdrawn, parcel listing vanished, your profile cleaned, announcing in your prof that you will be hiding with your numerous alt or taking a break(usually means the same thing. hiding in alt) whatever. I have this itch and tingly sensation all over.
yet, as if the dogs cant stop balking even they tucked their tail and ran, leaving "I'm the scary big dog, don't mess with me or I destroy you" in your profile picks.
Hahahahaha. You must be forgotten to remove it.
You have been weighed
You have been measured
And... you know the rest.
Frederic Prevost does not have baggage nor the need to create/re-invent the new character, nor the need for fresh start because the past you just cant live with...
I am always me, and I have no skeleton in my closet.
I do not need to hide my past nor need to erase nor take back what I said or done.
I am not without faults, as I often said, however, I am proud to build my life on every single moment of my experience and start over with obscure character is not an option.
My store brand has grown and producing a lot of pure profits daily. If the business owner would be in and out of hiding, who would take that as a serious endeavor?
*I* am always here.
I can balance my outrageous incubus's life in pixel realms and never lose my footings and grasp or reality.
For those incapable,
Shut up
No one will miss you.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tainted Blood and Potent Poison
After two days of intense creative process, (I wouldnt say work) I felt like go for hair shopping. Partly, to find new hair style that matches new hat that I just created.
After few store, I arrived at Gurl6. One of my regular stop. Despite the fact that this place carries million of chick's hair, I also find good long hair for my avatar.
So, I arrived at the entrance, waiting to rez as usual... which takes forever.
That is when I got hit with "This person wants to give you vampire bite, you will get free vampire bitemarks. click yes to accept." etc etc.
I was trying to find out if it was mistake or something I clicked, but I got hit by same offer in few seconds later.
Apparently, it was not a mistake, but some girl hitting me with vamp bite animation.
I was slightly annoyed but had witty comeback so I declined animation menu and hit her with IM.
"You would not know where I have been. You dont know how much my blood is tainted."
I guess that settled that. The girl didnt even respond and poofed.
So you would think, this is just rare occurrences. But NOoooo.
Not even a minute after, I got hit by exactly the same animation menu, only by different girl.
So this time I said it in public chat.
"What's with vampire bite today?"
"I guess we are all hungry today, Sorry to bother you."
Damn right.
I remind you this is in Gurl 6, not in some vamp rp sim.
They should be embarrassed enough not to do that again in random public.
I may be looking yummy enough but my blood is tainted and my words are much more potent poison than my tainted blood. I don't think some novice vamp can handle it.
Second Life,
Stupidity of SL,
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