Xstreet Forum is full of unrelated, irrelevant posting, which is why I was totally oblivious about the existence of the Forum for so long.
That is Jager's flow chart *Guide to Forum Thread you can ignore*
Today's theme
People ask for the honesty, but they hate me for giving it.
Unfortunately, this is not a biased view of one person, but a general view of actuality.
So why so many irrelevant thread? Because if you put something relevant in Forum thread, it will be taken over by response such as
" Someone was making copy right violation products What Am I GONNA DO? OMG OMG OMG"
"I have absolutely nothing to contribute to this thread but I will post my totally hilarious av picture. HAHAHA"
" Everyone should listen to MY DRAMA and RANT, because I have to be the center of attentions, but i dont have to be respectful because the rule does not apply to ME. "
"The forum rule says you can't say that."
Today, we had that another irrelevant thread what I call a *Clique thread* appeared... on... ta da! Beagles and maia. Maia is an absolute crazy chick but she at least never been disrespectful, nor never be oblivious to the time, occasion, place of what she can or cannot post. In short, she knows appropriate place to be funny.
As i said in yesterday's blog. Beagles... on the other hand... He just dont know what he is doing. I never really paid attention, because he makes mostly irrelevant comment, but on one thread, he instantly start posting HUGE, unrelated picture from some joke site... in effect, the original post totally highjacked, nothing interesting came after, since no one knows what to respond to *I can't fucking careless about OP but JUST LOOK AT ME!"
I ignored more than few times, but yesterday, he complained that no one had came to confront him on the forum... LMAO
Guess what?
He got his wishes.
He also complained in public that he received inbox full of mail that expressed displeasure in his "light hearted posting practice" LOL
beagles apparently incapable of making distinction between *light hearted* and disrespectful practice. Yea ... its hard to see. it is so close and its probably depends on the person, right? LOL
I spare you the details but the punchline is this.
I thought he was much more intelligent and capable enough to understand my sharp tongued but adoring comment. LOL Some people just cant recognize real humor, when they are claiming to be humorous person themselves. HAHAHAHA
And he had a nerve to make a comment about what is the Forum Par standard... And THAT... WAS funny. Yea. He is an expert of Forum courtesy.
Lemme tell you.
Some people just need *hugs* with cliques, so they can be safely within the limit of caring people.
I wasnt dislike him nor hate him. Certainly I was hoping that we could be make some sort of conversation. But my mistake.
Some people are capable of seeing the truth thru another's eyes. using that to his advantage and grow from it. Some. Not. LOL
As such is life.
Just another immature kid in SL.
Not even worth my time.
However, as always, I gain a few really intelligent, talented allies. That counts more than hundred *insects-not my word*.
The moral of the story is this:
As much as some superficial avatars hates me for giving them a truth, there are more people learn to like me for my truth.
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