*Dark side of my miserable third life* will be sold to any oblivious person who gladly waste their cash and do all the work for me, the beautiful , strong but totally cash strapped vampire!"
*blink, blink
Our reactions are just hysterical, thunderous laughs across the second life.
The owners are not smart enough / well off enough to operate on their own, but at least smart enough to sell it to some blind idiots who will pay and pay to do all the work for them.
"Hey, I don't want responsibility. I don't want to pay for it. Let them pay for it! "
Ah , yes.
Hostile takeover in making.
One of the member expressing the interest is like.. 22 year old? Gage whoever. Oh, he has pretty av, alright, if thats one of the requirement to manage a sim. But he can barely Rp and spell anything. He can be easily antagonized. If he buys the sim, I predict that his ego take over and won't last a month. As it is right now, he can't even manage a little role he has in sim, let alone the managing the whole sim and rp operation, working with other managers? I totally doubt it.
This choice proves it again,that how the owners don't know anything about rp nor management of the sim, if they let him buy it.
Another, quirky little fae. She is funny enough. But I do not know her RL ability to manage anything. Dazzle with Fae magic doesn't work for LL.
Let's just say she enjoys playing subby to the college student who plays left wing radical vampire.
Therefore, if she gets hold of the sim, by default, he will own part of it. ( I like this kid, so I'm kinda hoping for it. )
He is clever enough to carry out the takeover if the opportunity knocks.
This is the cold reality of second life.
No one among the little vampires really can afford in their RL nor prepare to pay couple of thousand $ for a virtual kingdom in the vast Empire of LL. They have priorities, too. And the little playground mismanaged so badly does not qualified for a great investment, when you have real family when you are not playing vampire.
Sad, ain't it?
We are family and we are strong.
(Yea, sure. Whatever you say, kingship. As long as you pay for your shit. Cause I ain't.)
Shall we look at another cold reality?
If you ever afford to do that, the first thing you would do is pay 100$ to LL, and change the sim name to *My Goddamn kingdom and I have trademark so I will sue you.*
And bulldoze the buildings on it.
(By the way, getting an international trademark would set you off about 12K Euro, if you want to get it registered with all the country who signed for Madrid Protocol. So just you know. Registering in your own country would cost vary: US is about 500$. Misc fees not included. However, there are so many ppl from different countries in SL, so ... yea, that wouldnt be effective at all.)
They have the nerve, if they make others pay for their sim and try to keep control over it without shouldering any payments. Basically, I dont want to pay nor want the responsibility of management, but you, idiots pay and pay to work for me.
Any takers? (And brand yourself "King's fool"?)
And if that happens I will sure to report it here.
Because such person deserved to be known.
I would buy it. I doubt that the owners would sell it to me, tho.
The perfect timing. They should realized long time ago that they are incapable of running a sim.
"Hey, Tell Fred to buy it, so we can have Vampire wars!" --Willow Raven
That would be funny, aint it.
I might even keep the dark side name just for the hell of it. So I can antagonize all those little emo creatures in Transylvania.